Random Discussion

I will stick with the real science of Lucy says..our oldest ancestor. Unless you are saying the Earth is only 6,000 years old and if you are..end of topic. I'm not getting into that.. :teacher:
I will stick with the real science of Lucy says..our oldest ancestor. Unless you are saying the Earth is only 6,000 years old and if you are..end of topic. I'm not getting into that.. :teacher:
Interesting if you google "first human". You don't find Adam and Eve
Scientifically proven that an Orangutan shares 97% of their DNA with a human

(Non scientific fact is that the Orangutan is to blame for all the redheads that came afterwards)

Ah, that would explain the redness of my hair when the sun hits my head... LOL! But seriously, my hair does turn dark red when it's very sunny. Red heads do occur within our family. That's what you get when you're so mixed with different influences.

Oops, forgot to tell that my arms are a bit too long for my body, tbh... Orangutans, don't they have that too...? :rofl:
Actually you can keep going and find that Blue Green Algae, the most primitive form of life on Earth by billions of years has a chunk of our DNA in them or vice versa.
A Virus is not a living thing and we don't know where they came from. They seemed to have evolved before there were living things to infect. True.
People also claim to remember previous lives..usually somebody warriorish and famous. I remember being an anchovy. I zig zagged like the fastest ever. Then a Barracuda ate me.
Hence,being an internet poster is a step up. By a little.
It is always exciting because you just don't know what you are going to be reincarnated as next, so I never really mind being eaten.
You can't be a vegetarian and believe in reincarnation... That never works... In fact, how do you eat if you believe in reincarnation

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