Random Discussion

No- that was brought up. Only I can't remember why the narrator said that was a myth or not the real reason.
I hate saying you are wrong- and can't tell you why!..you might have to yoube that vid. It was interesting..went on how its been like that since 1904 and then made standard in the 1920's.
Did you know that there is no real reason for household plugs and cords to have holes in them? They don't do a thing for helping electricity flow. They don't make the plug attach any better either.
One theory is that they are made in jigs that allow the metal to be stamped in a straight-line for multiple plugs. But,nobody can say who has proof of that. That theory sounds more weak and sort of fly's in the face of what machines can do,I think. Besides- some plugs do not have the holes.
Something to think about.
A very random fact or two to drop into conversation....then sit back and watch the reactions

It is illegal to own just one guinea pig in Switzerland. Classed as animal abuse infact since guinea pigs prefer company of their own kind and not having more than one is forcing loneliness on solo guinea pigs

Where does the phrase "to raise a toast" come from? Back in the days of the Ancient Romans it was thought to be a sign of wishing or hoping for good health to drop a small piece of dry toast into a glass of wine before drinking it.

Venus is the only planet to spin clockwise....everyone else spins anticlockwise

And finally....

A great retort for those who speak much about a subject they actually know nothing about....."Please be quiet, you ultracrepidarian"

They don’t in the Uk…. F1B2F7BA-377C-4F39-ADD0-2B9A56BE78A6.jpeg
European plugs don't either - or at least the ones that come attached to Eheim equipment inside the UK converter plug don't.
It is illegal to own just one guinea pig in Switzerland. Classed as animal abuse infact since guinea pigs prefer company of their own kind and not having more than one is forcing loneliness on solo guinea pigs
That is a very good rule to have! I wonder how many they recommend keeping...

Where does the phrase "to raise a toast" come from? Back in the days of the Ancient Romans it was thought to be a sign of wishing or hoping for good health to drop a small piece of dry toast into a glass of wine before drinking it.
Very interesting... I wonder where they got that idea from... ALIENS
Venus is the only planet to spin clockwise....everyone else spins anticlockwise
Now the question is... Is that one the weird one or are the rest of the planets the weirdos...
Reckless driving does not lead to wreckless driving.
I feel like I should understand but I'm sorry to say that I really don't 😅... Its on the tip if my tongue though... I really feel like I should know what you mean

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