Random Discussion

You sound like my mother. And my husband is going that way as well. When I'm dishing up dinner there's usually a call from the background "not too many veg on mine"

I love fruit and veg :)

Also, strawberry's are not actually berry’s.
Neither are raspberries, blackberries and similar fruit (they're drupelets). But oranges and bananas are berries :)
I can't poop if I don't eat veg 💩
I like a good salad with a ceasar dressing mhm... But I loooove all the unhealthy stuff too...
Give me baked beans on toast with grated cheddar and a fried egg on top any day of the week....mega healthy :)
Not sure about "healthy" but it does sound appetizing... I also javent had breakfast sooo... Lol
Give me baked beans on toast with grated cheddar and a fried egg on top any day of the week....mega healthy :)
Aren't Americans scared of baked beans?
Haven't the foggiest to what youre implying 🧐
Speaking of flatulance

There is a cave now called Peak Cavern. Used to be called Devil's Arse (seriously it did) cos whenever it rained hard, water would fill the chambers of the cave and would slosh about alot. Whilst sloshing the noise that would come out of the cave and heard upto 10 miles away was a very bad case of flatulance

The question is - are baked beans in the UK the same as in the US?

This is what we mean by baked beans
The question is - are baked beans in the UK the same as in the US?

This is what we mean by baked beans
Look to be the same. US baked beans are in a tomato/molasses like sauce

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