Raising bristlenose pleco fries - Log

Here's a view of the whole tank after 48 hours of water change / new food. Notice that there's almost no zuchini left. Two days ago, this wasn't the case, I had to throw away more than half of what I put in, but it appears that now they are almost capable of eating all of them in 48 hours...

I add 5 slices each time.

Just look at the difference! They are from the same spawn!

Another shot that demonstrates faster growth of some of them...

wow!!! i cant wait till my eggs hatch.
How often did you water change while in the 5 gallon?
and how often in the breeding tank?
samthefishman said:
wow!!! i cant wait till my eggs hatch.
How often did you water change while in the 5 gallon?
and how often in the breeding tank?
In the breeding tank (which is my community tank), I do 30% per week.

In the 5.5g tank, I do 40% every two days now. But during the first week, I did 30% daily...

You pretty much have no choice as zuchini makes such a big mess - by the time you are done syphoning them up, you removed 30-40% of the water... :lol:
lol. Can i just feed them algea wafers???
And also i am gonna take a pic of the tank i want to put them in, tell me if suitible.
btw, is your male still in his nest?? and have you got all the babies out?

I have noticed my egss are getting alot more yellow, and also the male is starting to fan alot more.
He is, but sometimes he comes out briefly... I'm still not convinced that he is guarding eggs again yet...

Good luck with your next btch! ;)
thanks, I will be reading this journal you have kept regulary, to see what to do and also compare.
Thanks for all your help. Dont stop telling us bout the fry, as i am very interested.
samthefishman said:
one more question, you only have 17 fry?????
I have 20, and I saw 4 more in the main tank... It seems that I don't get any mor than around 25 or so per spawn - perhaps male's cave is not large enough to keep all of them alive... -_-

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