Hi all,
First post here so wanted to say thanks first of all for this fabulous log and mucho appreciations to all of you for the information in this board
We've just had our first brood of BN eggs appear (had heard gravel getting flicked around in the tank for a couple of days and thought no more of it......which shows how dim i am, given the tank only contains the usual community stuff (tetras, guppies, a couple of corys, that kind of thing....and 3 BNs which we bought from a local store, sadly now closed down) and daddy seems to be quite happily fanning away at the eggs which are currently stuck to the side of a rock in the corner....
I wanted to ask....once the fry start to emerge from the egg sacs i intended to segregate them in the tank by way of a plastic divider (we don't have a 2nd tank here and i assume if i grabbed a small one with heater and filter i'd need a couple of weeks at least for it to settle before i could transfer the fry in), but should i leave the parents in the section with the fry, or are they better off if the parents are removed from that area too? The female is back to the other end of the tank already, munching away happily on the algae while dad is left to fan the sacs....should i leave dad with the fry please?
Yours, preparing weighted cucumber with a proud look on his face

(and thanks in advance for any advice).........wrighty
oh ps, the tank's a 1m length juwel, well established and i'm expecting to use boil-rinsed clear plastic sheet with 2-3mm holes punched in all over it (can get this done at work) so there's a possibility the water can get through but the community can't