Raising bristlenose pleco fries - Log

wow, cos i have counted (that are visible) 32 eggs, and thats the first layer...

I am still sooo confused on how you caught the fry, wouldnt they just go hide somewhere? i have this log, if they go in it, its gonna be IMPOSSIBLE to get them out.
I have been taking some logs out so it will be easier to catch them
Theres a hole in the log, and the fry are falling out, i did not want to put them in another tank but i guess i had to. I have that filter in there and also an air pump.
I have caught 4 that have fallen, many have hatched he just keeps blowing them all out!!!
They are still in their egg saks, i am just worried. Do you think they will be alright?
Night 1 :p

The 4 i took from the main tank that were pushed out of the nest are fine.
There is 2 more on the floor i am gonna go pick up.
I am gonna do a 20% water change then tomorrow and 30% i dont wanna shock the fellas.
I think there is still couple more eggs that have not hatched.
Well yeah i will keep you updated
samthefishman said:
Night 1 :p

The 4 i took from the main tank that were pushed out of the nest are fine.
There is 2 more on the floor i am gonna go pick up.
I am gonna do a 20% water change then tomorrow and 30% i dont wanna shock the fellas.
I think there is still couple more eggs that have not hatched.
Well yeah i will keep you updated
Perhaps it might be a better idea if you create another thread - I'm sure each spawning experience has its own uniqness, and it will be difficult for other readers to follow if we bunch up everything together in one monster thread. What do you think? ;)
This is so exciting!
I love bristlies and would love it if ours had kits.

When we finally manage to find a male medusa to go with our female, we're going to try for medusa kits. :wub:
Grrr... I just looked at my main tank - male is now outside of the cave, and I see small plecos around the mouth of the cave. I think I have another batch! Either both of my females are laying eggs or the female has been very busy!

Not sure what to do with this spawn as I am going to run out of growing space pretty soon... ;)
Well i put 6 in the 5 gal. and 1 has magicly disapeared, and another i think is retarded :p
I just got a torch and looked in the cave, there are bout 20 - 30 little ones swimming round in there :D
I just did a water change.
also did you put them in the 5 gal when they had the egg sak? or did u take them after the male had ditched them?
samthefishman said:
also did you put them in the 5 gal when they had the egg sak? or did u take them after the male had ditched them?
For me, the male only kicks them out when the fries have completely consumed the sacs. I do remember though, for the first spawn, I saw couple of fries with egg sacs, but since then, I've yet to observe any with egg sacs.

The new spawn fries also don't seem to have any egg sacs...
oh okay... because my last spawn it took like 2 days, but after they lost their sacs that died for some reason...
All the eggs have hatched now, i wish their was no hole in the log, he chose a crap nest!!!! 1 is dead in the 5 gal tank, and another has disapeared, the other5 are doing good. 1 is even swimming around... he egg sac is alot smaller then the others tho, dont know why
samthefishman said:
...after they lost their sacs that died for some reason...
I'm pretty sue that after it consumed its yolksac, it probably died from lack of nutrition. Try and feed them as religiously as yhbae does.

Also, for the sake of the rest of us who are interested in this process and would like to garner information, try using the edit function so you're not flooding this thread with question after question after question. Or just ask them all at once.
This is a great thread of information.

My Bristlenose had bred last month and I have about 20 babies around 1.5cm in size now. I purchased a breeding box (basically it is a plastic frame with meshing around it). Placed this in the community tank and used a small net and caught the babies. You do have to be patient and wait till they come out. They don't seem to be too concerned about the net - obviously haven't seen one before!

I am in the middle of cycling a tank for them. Just a week ago I noticed the male wasn't coming out and just today, saw new babies! I knew they were prolific breeders, but this soon!!?? I hope the breeding tank will be ready soon or else I'll be running out of space.

I feed them raw zucchini fresh and normal fish flakes.

My water temp is 27oC. PH 7. Water change 1-2 weekly, but have 2 filters Eheim 2213 and an external Aquamini.

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