Raising bristlenose pleco fries - Log

No kidding - this thread has turned into a general discussion thread! :lol:

Day 8

All 17 fries are doing well! Some of them are growing noticeably faster, and from what I can see, all eat well as well. At this point, I am really convinced that food and water quality are the two top factors. (Are you surprised? :lol: )

This tank has NO algae, so it appears that they don't need natural algae to grow. Also, some claims you need wood in their diet and so far, I don't have any in that tank. Does anyone know if I am supposed to add some wood in the tank?

Note: I can only observe 1 surviving fry in my main tank now. It is clear that the fries cannot make it through in my main tank despite the tank received 30% weekly water change. This has been confirmed for the 3rd time!
well done man!
so what you just scooped them up and put them in another tank?
wouldnt that kill them as they are so young and small?
samthefishman said:
well done man!
so what you just scooped them up and put them in another tank?
wouldnt that kill them as they are so young and small?
I guess different people use different techniques to catch their fries. I personally use a flexible plastic cup. I look for fries that are stuck on the glass, put the cup around her then squeeze. When the cup goes back to the original shape, it sucks water into the cup, creating a temporary fast current. Do it few times and eventually the fries will detach and land on the inner side of the cup. Then it is a simple matter of pouring water along with the fry into another container...

So far, no dealth and I don't see any deformities in their bones so I assume this method is ok...
I might try it when they hatch. I just took a pic of the daddy and the eggs i will post it and put the link in here.
Day 10

Caught 3 more from the main tank, so there are 20 in the fry tank. All of them are doing great! Still doing water change and new food every two days, but I upped WC to 40% from 30% since it isn't that much harder to do.

Some of them are quite big now, almost 2cm. (Remember, all of them were 1cm or less 10 days ago!)

There's no reason for me to change this methodology at this point, so I'll keep going... ;)

The only question remaining is.... When is the right time to move them out? I'm sure keeping 20 1 inch bristlenoses in 5.5g tank will be sufficient for them. I could re-distribute them amongst all of my other tanks as by then, they should not be that sensitive, or unload some of them to friends/LFS/auctions...

(Now, I'm paying attention to the holding P Acei female as well! Its my first ever malawi breeding experience! She's been holding for roughly 2.5 weeks.)
I was wanting to do betta,corys, or Danios but i would like to do plecs do you suggest doing some easier fish first ??? it may take some time to get to the plecs but i am willing to wait (i am only 13 :p)
willywonka099 said:
I was wanting to do betta,corys, or Danios but i would like to do plecs do you suggest doing some easier fish first ??? it may take some time to get to the plecs but i am willing to wait (i am only 13 :p)
I _think_ bristlenoses are one of those species where you don't have to get the young ones and let them "pair up"... The only problem with them is that there are many species that are called "bristlenose" but they are different enough that they will not breed together. This is why I purchased 4 young ones from the same tank to make sure that they are indeed the same species (same parents most likely!)

Assuming you have a pair that are capable of breeding, I have to admit this is one of the easiest fishes to breed... Nothing is easier than livebearers though... ;)
lol but they run i think like 10 a piece here ...but u think if i reliesed 4 into a 29 gal. with a nice little cave (only 2 swords and standered plec in there) i would get some fry ?? any percautions i need to tank ??
willywonka099 said:
lol but they run i think like 10 a piece here ...but u think if i reliesed 4 into a 29 gal. with a nice little cave (only 2 swords and standered plec in there) i would get some fry ?? any percautions i need to tank ??
Try it - that is pretty much what I did in my 25g - it contains other species as well, and they have no problem breeding.
okay sorry to post in your log all these questions ....... but is there a good way to sex?? will the eggs be eaten by plecs ??? how big do bn get roung 6 in. ??
willywonka099 said:
okay sorry to post in your log all these questions ....... but is there a good way to sex?? will the eggs be eaten by plecs ??? how big do bn get roung 6 in. ??
I'm only into day 10 and there's 6 pages of message already - this isn't exactly what I had in mind when I started this thread... :lol:

To sex them, you need to wait until bristles develop - I found near impossible to sex them before this stage. Most of them show their bristles at around 2 inch in length.

Male protects the egg like crazy so there's a good chance that many will survive up to 1cm or so in length before he releases them. Give a good cave for him to protect, and you should be ok...

They are supposed to grow up to 5 inch or so, but mine started to breed at 2 inches, and they are still not 3 inches yet...
See the 2nd page of this thread, I've posted both my male and females. Only males have bristles when they are mature...

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