Portinho Da Arrábida - Uma Vista De Troia

I like the rock placement, it is very bold and powerful, and as Liz says, very different from your previous scapes, it looks great.
Tonight I took some pictures after the sun had gone down just to show how powerful this LED setup is. Remember this is just 1.12WPG but is at present 80cm above the water surface.

Ignore the tree and moses on slate in there. I have just put some plants straight in from the scape before still attached to rocks.. that way I can easily remove them if necessary. Once I do the actual rescape the flame moss on the slates plus 2x more will be glued to the hardscape as will the Fissidens Fontanus which is currently in my 23ltr shrimp tank.

I've also taken some close ups just to show how beautiful this rock is. I particularly like the last one where the green Needle contrasts beautifully with the grey/white of the rocks. They also show the multilayering of these rocks with blue, plum and green slate veined with what looks like quartz.










I think you can tell from the number of photos I am taking that I am enjoying this one. I am sitting down in front and just watching all the time.

Nice :good: I do love the needle fern against the rocks, I have some on rock in my 32litre and it's my fav part of my scape.
Looking good mate, i hope the wood doesn't over complicate things...it will be different when grown in though. Those tetras have kept their tint haven't they!

BTW are you injecting yet? (C02 lol)
Looking good mate, i hope the wood doesn't over complicate things...it will be different when grown in though.

What wood? If you mean the piece in the left rear that is only in there for some plant mass at the mo. Easy to remove if needed and then place back to let it continue growing.

No not injecting yet. All in the spares box still however the FE is now on its way. Just got to reaquaint myself with setting it up once it arrives. :)

All that is left to buy is the substrate and I am pretty sure I am going to ditch the idea of some Tropica under the gravel. Not using the AS either. Probably going with inert but with Leonardite and spagnum peat under it.

The day arrives and I finally put this scape into reality. I washed the gravel and sand first because I don't want to have to clean the dust out of my filter.


The bottom layer is 5mm of Leonardite and 10mm sphagnum moss peat. This is just in the corners. I don't want it under the foregound sand nor in the cavity between the central rocks as this is where the Corys tend to congregate,

I baked the old Tropica for 4 hours in the oven and then crumbled it up and layered that in the corners.


At this point I put some cardboard dividers in to stop the foreground getting mixed with the rest of the substrate and in went the sand.


followed by a nice slope of the gravel behind it.


And then I took the dividers out:


I first put the main rocks into the tank


which then had Fissidens Fontanus and Needle Fern glued to them.


Next step I added the perimeter smaller rocks and glued some Flame moss in areas to blend the space between adjoining rocks.


Finally I added the smaller shards and started filling it up. I think it looks wicked.



Then I filled her up:

And this is how she looks (water level is low because fish are going back in so need the 10 litres for the bucket to float in :):



Ignore the cabinet. The doors are off at the moment because I am painting it to match the new lounge decor. Therefore I will have to trim the doors once I've done the cabinet then it will be back to looking sweet :)


adding that gravel at the back has added a whole different dimension to the scape, Andy. The lighting really sets the colouration's off. Any plans on adding any more plants? What about some Eleocharis Vivipara at the back?
Do like this scape, thinking of a rocky scape for my Apisto's when the next, next scape comes together, or the missus let's me lol, I'm gonna be impatient waiting for the slow growers to fill in but can't wait till it is. :good:
adding that gravel at the back has added a whole different dimension to the scape, Andy. The lighting really sets the colouration's off. Any plans on adding any more plants? What about some Eleocharis Vivipara at the back?

Yeah the gravel slope seems to make the rocks look like they are filling the tank out more. I love it :) p.s. do you like my 'fish thinking? what you thought was going to be a path through the centre then I plonked the rocks on top of it?

There is a 'cave' under that front rock where the corys like to nestle so I put the sand in there for them :)

Nope no more plants however I have got 10 portions of Bolbitus on rocks around the sides and rear when I'm not taking photos because until the mosss, ferns and Fissidens grow on it would be an algae fest.

This inline Up atomizer is awesome :) Can't see the bubbles. I keep thinking my tank waters cloudy though. lol

Do like this scape, thinking of a rocky scape for my Apisto's when the next, next scape comes together, or the missus let's me lol, I'm gonna be impatient waiting for the slow growers to fill in but can't wait till it is. :good:

Glad you like it mate. First time for ages I've had the motivation to do a proper scape rather than half hearted.

Why will it be an algae fest, ristricting flow?
not enough plants to beat the algae. Once they''ve grown it there will be but until then I am using 'temporary' plants. I can just pick them out and put them back either side of photos :)

My Corys are going mad, he. he. Me thinks there's gonna be a load of eggs soon. Happy days

Quick update. Pictures later.

I saw some Boraras Merah (Phoenix Rasbora) in the Aquarium, Lincoln the other day (LFS near me) and immediately decided I was going to get 20.

So I rehomed the Espei and Platinums to a TFF member on Sunday.

Today I got the Merah, and of course best laid plans and all that :) I bought 30. Just acclimitising them now.

On a sour note, one of my black corys is looking worse for wear. Was one with a deformed back and has been in decline for the past month or so. All the others are fine :(

I'll update with some pics later once they've settled in.

Cool, Rasbora are great, shame about the Cory tho. Aren't they similar to Mosquito Rasbora?
Cool, Rasbora are great, shame about the Cory tho. Aren't they similar to Mosquito Rasbora?

Mosquito rasbora is a generic term really encompassing most of these 'micro' raboras:


Ah cool, there identical to the ones going in my Cuban Stream scape. Currently on order as the lfs that sells them only ever has 4 or 5. I need 20 :).

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