Thanks, he's massive the same size as the females, that might be a problem but the females are chasing him. He's hiding from them. The half black has taken a shine to him, won't leave his side, he doesn't want to know, he's been trying to mate with rainbow fish all his life he's probably never seen female guppies before
Wish you guys lived near me, that way I could justify buying loads of the mopani wood
£1.99 is a steal!
Some of the guppy fry are the size of neon tetras and their bodies are turning red. I have never had colour on 2 week old fry before, hope they aren't ill.
One of the big ones has a bent spine. It doesn't affect him, he's had it since birth. His back isn't completely straight, looking at him side on, instead of his top line being straight, it goes up the way. It's hard to explain it looks like a step up. He swims, he eats, he stays with me for the rest of his days