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Flubberlump - I got the huge pot of the New Era/Vitalis catfish pellets, the lid is tight fitting so so long as you keep the lid on they shouldn't go off :)
Good point. The screw on lid on the vitalis seems much better than the push on ones I have now. I'll have to get some.
some good news
I dropped in just one New Era pellet this morning and walked away. I went out for a couple of hours and when I came home the now dissolved pellet had gone. I've dropped another in to see if that disappears too 
they didn't touch it at all - either still full or the first one was a fluke!
I managed to eyeball 4 in total last night and they were all the same size. I've not seen the smaller one for a couple of days. The problem is that they blend into my grey sand so well and so spotting them is difficult.
I have one that is really lively - always darting up and down the glass trying to reach the surface. It's always out in the open too so when I go to check I can usually spot this one but the rest stay hidden.
I've now ordered a new microworm culture as I'm not getting anything from the first culture now. I think the worms are all dead. I tried adding a layer of dry oatmeal yesterday to see if it would help but still nothing so far.
I did a 25% water change this morning in the hope it's helping them 
Glad you've seen them. I had the same problem with my escapee, it was the same colour as the sand and blended in because of it's markings. I went a few days without seeing it and then it popped up again so hopefully it's the same with your little one.
I've just had 3 out and about in the tank. One was zooming up and down at the back of the tank and two were snuffling around in the sand. I've dropped in a pellet and a small amount of finely crushed flake .. I'm trying all kinds of food in an attempt to get them eating something. I'm not giving up 
Nope they'll eat it at some point. I gave minesome of everything I had. If they're that active they'll be eating something :)
I caught one sat right next to the pellet and snuffling the sand next to it - I think it was having a little nibble. If I can get one eating them the others might just copy. I'm watching one now zooming around - up and down the glass like the parents do when they are playing. They're strong little swimmers so they are getting some nourishment somewhere 
photo time!

and caught in the act!

They are just so cute 
They are so cute!! Definitely looks like that one is eating the pellet.

Have you collected those eggs?
yes, the eggs are in the tray floating in the fry tank! I also spoke to my lfs this morning and they will be taking them in when they are big enough :)
Yey good luck with the new ones! Fry at 3 different ages, they'll keep you busy! :D

Good news about your LFS too.

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