Place Your Bets

Ooh, :) nice, and a great pic!
So teeny tiny :lol:
they are tiny but not as tiny as the newly hatched today! I can only see them when they move!
Yes, PJM, they could be either ... As soon as I know so will everyone else :)
I'd suggest still completing daily water changes, twice daily if possible, with the breeder box.  Those things don't nearly have the flow that you'd want to be completely reliant on the openings.
But, simply slowly pouring water from the tank into the breeder box should be more than sufficient.  If you don't want to do that... you can also just suck water out of the breeder box with the turkey baster and return it to the main tank... this would draw more water from the main tank into the breeder box.
I say that because you'd be surprised how little actual water is transferred during the course of the day through most breeders.
okay, thanks Eagles, I'll do that. I'm now trying to get the 3 weekers on to adult foods so I'm adding a cory pellet every day until they realise it's food. Once they go into the fry tank they are going to have to recognise something else other than microworms as food or they'll starve.
I've checked on the remaining eggs that hadn't hatched yesterday and they are really dark but no more fry. I'll allow them a bit more time and see what happens.
I've just checked on the eggs and I've another fry hatched so that makes it 5 now and looking at the eggs there should be at least another 2 to come. They're just nice and comfy in their eggs for now
number 6 has hatched. Just one more now
number 7 hatched in the night but it was dead this morning. I also got up to one solitary egg on the glass of the main tank. I don't think it's fertile but I'll give it a chance.
Now, a completely different question. The wood that I got from the lfs for the little fry tank is leeching a brown dust. I've not come across this before, does anyone know if this dust will be safe with the baby cories or am I best to remove the wood, clean up as much of the dust as possible before letting the babies go?
Never heard of that.
All sounding good. Love the photo of the baby. They're really starting to look like corys now :)

I can't help with the dust sorry :(
I've just checked in on the cories and I think they are itching to be out of this breeder box ... they are swimming up to the top in the corners as if they are trying to find the escape route. I'm considering letting them go today and hope for the best
they're about 1cm now ... still very tiny and vunerable but I've taken the wood out and cleaned up as much of the dust as I can see on dark grey sand and I've let the cories go. I just need to be brave and hope that they do okay. I've added a large amount of microworms to the tank and I'm just hoping that they manage to find enough food to survive. 
They are by nature 'scavenger' type feeders... and will scour the tank continually looking for morsels.  I think that they will be just fine.  You have oak leaves in that tank, correct?  That alone should provide them with a good source of infusoria. 
yes there's about 6 oak leaves all in varying degrees of breaking down. At first I thought it was the leaves that were causing the 'dust' and then I moved the wood and it was covered in it.
I don't know whether to add some Tetra Prima to the tank for food (I've never seen the adults eat it) or whether to keep persevering with the pellets that the adults eat and keep adding microworms aswell. 
The reason I'm getting myself in a spin is because of what happened with the little one I had before. I got it to about 2cm and it just suddenly died. I was so upset about it that I'll try anything to stop that happening again. It's such a battle to get these little one's beyond a few days but to get them this far and then lose them ... well, I'd be deverstated

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