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Akasha72 said:
yes there's about 6 oak leaves all in varying degrees of breaking down. At first I thought it was the leaves that were causing the 'dust' and then I moved the wood and it was covered in it.
I don't know whether to add some Tetra Prima to the tank for food (I've never seen the adults eat it) or whether to keep persevering with the pellets that the adults eat and keep adding microworms aswell. 
The reason I'm getting myself in a spin is because of what happened with the little one I had before. I got it to about 2cm and it just suddenly died. I was so upset about it that I'll try anything to stop that happening again. It's such a battle to get these little one's beyond a few days but to get them this far and then lose them ... well, I'd be deverstated
Well right around this time, Ian Fuller would be putting them in the main tank... Maybe part of that is that they'd find an adult or two to follow and help them find the food....

Not sure where that puts you though.
I did wonder about that. He said he keeps them in the plastic tray for 4 weeks then moves them out - I'm a week early on that but arrival of the new bunch forced my hand a little. 
I have dropped two small pellets at the front on the tank where I can keep an eye out for them trying them. So far nothing but I won't give up. I keep adding some microworms aswell - much more than I was when they were in the tray but my thinking is that they're tiny little fish in a large area now and so I need to make it easy for them to find something. It's filtered aswell so it's a cycled tank so hopefully I'm not causing problems. Time will tell
As suspected, baby number 6 didn't make it. The other 5 are very active though so it looks good. So a nice round number - Five 3 weeks old and Five new... now the battle to get the new 5 to eat
HarpyFishLover said:
baby #6
Aww that's sweet. I knew when it had hatched that it didn't look very active. I get a feeling about these things now. If they arn't darting about then I know there's a chance they won't make it. 
I'm just watching a male and a female panda adult chasing each other about ... I wonder if I'll be waking up to more eggs 
well, I've barely seen my little 3 weekers since being set free. They've gone into hiding - I'm presuming under the oak leaves. I'm still adding microworms and I'm still trying to tempt them with dry food with no luck :/ I just hope that the leaves are providing enough infusoria for them.
The new 5 are doing okay though. I'm carrying on my routine of changing 100% of their water every evening. They were all darting about last night so there's no reason to think they won't do just as well as the first batch. I'm liking this method of the cory man's. It'll easy and seems to work really well :) 
It does work well doesn't it. Glad yours are doing well. I'm sure they'll be finding plenty of food. When I put microworms in the main tank I can see them on the substrate so I'm sure your babies will find them. I need to let mine go soon but there are so many hidey holes in the main tank I'll never be able to count them all then. They're 4 weeks old now though...
well some sad news. I've just gone to change the water for the new five and 4 of them were dead. Just one still alive. I've decided to just let it go in with the others. It can take it's chances. I feeling pretty despondent ... I just don't know what went wrong :(
Akasha72 said:
well some sad news. I've just gone to change the water for the new five and 4 of them were dead. Just one still alive. I've decided to just let it go in with the others. It can take it's chances. I feeling pretty despondent ... I just don't know what went wrong
Hard to say... lots of possibilities.  I wouldn't take it too hard.  There is a reason that there are so many fry and they breed so frequently...  Very few make it to maturity under normal conditions.
That's sad to hear Akasha.  Sorry.  I'm hopeful the one that's left will make it.
Fry do sometimes just die for no reason.  I had this with my Panchax fry.  One minute all three were swimming around happily, next I knew, one was just floating under a leaf not moving and that was that.
May not be you or what you are doing that went wrong. Could have just been a weak spawn.
Trying to look on the bright side.
PepperjacksMama said:
May not be you or what you are doing that went wrong. Could have just been a weak spawn.
Trying to look on the bright side.
My thoughts exactly.

Love your sig PepperjacksMama :)
Thanks for all the comments. I've not seen a sign of any of them now since last night. If I lose any more I think I'm just gonna accept that breeding the smaller cories is just too difficult and give up
Thanks, Flubberlump. I am an early member of Akasha's Corydoras Anonymous chapter. I have two not happy tanks, one a QT tank, and one that desperately wants a nice shoal of Hasbrosus.

Akasha, you give up? I find it unlikely. I seem to remember someone having no end of trouble with Peppered Cory fry. How many ended up going to the lfs?

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