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Congratulations! You're a Cory breeding master over here lol
lol hardly. Getting the eggs is one thing ... keeping them alive seems to be another thing entirely!
The little one I added recently has disappeared apparently eaten or dead so these new guys, if they hatch okay, will be kept in the seperate compartment for the first month at least. One day I'll get this right and then I'll accept the label of 'cory breeder' happily :)
Some folks have had some excellent success with Cory eggs in a red cherry shrimp tank.
gnah ... shrimps .... shudder. Freaky horrible things (sorry shrimp lovers)
I'm now sitting through another big storm (it was storm Abigail at the weekend and now it's storm Barney) ... I'm hoping my cories will see this as another excuse to lay even more eggs!
Yay for storm barney! 
Last weekend I didn't even notice a storm bup this one has hit us now in Lincolnshire too. 
It's so windy and we are getting spouts of sleet! 
yes it was sleeting in Yorkshire this afternoon. Now the wind has really got up, It's sounding really rough out there now
I have two new cories this morning. Not sure about the other eggs ... they have darkened but not fully. Perhaps they've not made it? I'll give them a little longer and see what happens.
No idea what type the two new one's are ... we shall have to wait and see :)
I now only have one, I found one dead this morning. I suspect these fry are smudge spots as they seem very weak, I suspect this because the parents are still very young and I suspect the female to be too immature.
I'm not expecting the remaining fry to survive but I'll give it the best chance anyway
Awee. I hope your corys get it right soon! 
Seems like they are trying their best
I only got the smudges in the summer and they were little babies then so they are very young. The fry seem to be rather weak so it all fits they are the parents of these latest eggs. The good news is though that if the smudges are the culprits then I do have a male and a female amongst the three and so chances of eventually upping their number is good!
I also suspect the smudges as there were only 7 eggs. An immature female wouldn't be able to produce many more. Again the eggs were smaller than my panda eggs have been. It all points to a young female.
Yeah that makes perfect sense. 
Hopefully they don't give up when they are more mature!  Fingers crossed for them! 
I'm utterly deverstated.
I got up this morning to a small dead body in my fry tank. My little panda cory that I've been nurturing for weeks died in the night. And to add insult to injury the tiny new cory is nowhere to be seen either. All I have left is the palmeri tetra baby.
Right now I want to give up fish keeping entirely. I know I'll get over that in a day or two but right now .... 
Two new cory eggs this morning. They are a reasonable size so I suspect my panda's but only two? might point to the smudges that are starting to mature and lay slightly larger eggs?
Watch this space!

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