Place Your Bets

I don't know, both seem to have fallen from the glass and today I saw my tetra baby swimming in the other compartment that contained the eggs. I hope he hasn't eaten them ... common sense says they will be too hard and big for him to eat but you never know
storm Desmond is blowing through and Akasha decides to clean a filter this morning and top the tank back up with cool water and then just to be sure I feed a large dose of bloodworms and guess what ....
Frisky panda cories right now!! 
Akasha72 said:
storm Desmond is blowing through and Akasha decides to clean a filter this morning and top the tank back up with cool water and then just to be sure I feed a large dose of bloodworms and guess what ....
Frisky panda cories right now!! 
Good work padawan!
hahaha well they're still zooming round like crazy but no eggs yet - unless they've put them somewhere I can't see!. Perhaps they are just gearing up. Time will tell but I am expecting some more any day ... especially if this storm carries on much longer. It's been a horrible 2 days of it now. The two next door counties are completely flooded out and I'm just hoping we arn't next on the list :/
Akasha72 said:
hahaha well they're still zooming round like crazy but no eggs yet - unless they've put them somewhere I can't see!. Perhaps they are just gearing up. Time will tell but I am expecting some more any day ... especially if this storm carries on much longer. It's been a horrible 2 days of it now. The two next door counties are completely flooded out and I'm just hoping we arn't next on the list
Chances of that is very high.  I had mine lay at least one egg on a plant leaf - I never saw it.  I moved the plant to a new tank and after a while (days, maybe a week or so), the fry came out of hiding.  I was cycling the tank too!  
 One of my students told me there was a fish in there... I called her delusional!
  Then I saw it myself and was utterly amazed.  Needless to say, the cycling waited until I could get the fry moved.  I did a massive water change to eliminate the ammonia and raised a single fry in a 110 gallon tank for about 3 weeks.   Then I figured it was big enough to handle my tank, and it lived happily ever after.
well they were zooming around at the back this time for a change so if they did lay in the night they're more than likely all over the plants at the back where I can't see

edit: Just glanced in the tank and even though my lights are off I can see my palmeri tetra's are spawning right now ... might end up with another one of their babies then!
my cories are going nuts! If I don't wake up to eggs there's something wrong!
I've got a male panda doing his waggle dance in front of a female right now. I've got a melini zooming round with the other panda's and there's 2 smudges waggling at each other too
Might be worth just going with candlelight tonight... might help them with the mood.
they're still zooming round so I'll be shocked if I don't have some eggs in the morning. Lights have just gone out ;)
Finally!! They've got on with it. I got up to eggs on the glass and I could see two on a leaf. The eggs on the glass had been eaten though but the two on the leaf were intact. And then I spotted two more on another leaf and then another 2 and now I have 6 intact eggs in my fry tank.
They're definitely panda eggs going  by the colour and size but I'll keep you all posted :)
Sounds about right... Pandas don't lay as many as the others, and they place them in smaller clusters.
yeah, they seem to place them in 2's but as my melini's and smudges are the same size as the panda's I also suspect they will also place them in 2's
The panda's are the oldest of the 3 types and their eggs are a larger size than the one's I've been finding recently. I think egg size is related to age ... at least that would seem to explain why I'm finding small cory eggs and larger cory eggs. My peppered cories are too old to spawn now so it's not them
Woohoo, mine finally spawned!! Got to watch the whole process unfold...from T-position, eggs into her fin, and deposited on a leaf!! They are just peppered cories, and she laid a ton, so I'm just going to let nature happen, but I'm just excited to see them having at it finally!!
congrats Jag, once my peppered lot matured and really got into the spawning thing they would lay over 100 eggs in one go. There's a good chance with that amount that the odd one or two might survive - especially if you have some good cover for the young uns to hide in :)
it looks like all six eggs hatched and the little one's have disappeared into the fry tank. I've had a look but there's nothing to be seen. All I can do now is wait it out and see what shows up in a few weeks time :)

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