Place Your Bets

I know! It'll be weeks before I get a clue though... this going to be one rollercoaster!
here we go ... the two newbies

Place your bets of parentage!
I'm going to guess it was from a male and female fish in your tank, but that's just a wild guess.
lol! They're cories for sure but the parents could be:
Panda Cories
Melini Cories
Smudge spot Cories
Peppered Cories (unlikely all very old)
Bronze Cories (unlikely, never spawned before all male I think)
Place your bets lol
I have my fingers crossed on smudge corys for you!

This is all super exciting I love this thread
it's all a bit of fun Asteria. There's a lot of gloomy threads with poorly fish so I thought I'd have something running that's just for fun :)
I like the fun threads. :D
Is nice break once in a while.
And it's always exciting having fry. Well to me it is anyways :D
I'm betting on the Smudges too!! Cuz that would be too exciting for everyone!!
I'm secretly hoping they are smudges. I'd be thrilled if they are but at the same time the little lone panda baby from the last spawn needs some of his own kind too
updated photo's
The little panda cory has now developed his black spot at the base of his tail and his dorsal fin is just starting to turn black too

And one of one the newbies - seems to have grown which is a good sign
The older panda looks about the size mine were when they were first out enough in my tank for me to know they were there.
I saw some smudge corys today in a fish shop near by. 
Just wondering how much yours cost you. They had then at about £12 I think. Or 3 for £30 
Sadly they only had two. And my tank isn't ready yet.  
Thanks for the comments guys. The older cory is seriously cute!
Asteria - I think I paid £6 each for the smudges ... could have been 8 but it was no more than that. I think £12 is a bit steep but I guess it's a case of what people are willing to pay. I only have 3 smudges and they're perfectly happy. They hang out with all the other cories. I think the 6+ of each kind needs a bit of leeway ... I'm seeing with my own eyes that it really isn't that important when you have a large enough group of cories.
I took the lid off the tank earlier and one of the new guys was out in the light. It may have just been the light but it did look whiter than it did before. Maybe they are panda's after-all
Time will tell :)
Hmm Yeah that does seem a bit steep. 
My tanks only 125l so will be getting a few but not such a huge group of them. 
Hoping to get two species though  
May just get some sterbai and jullies 
The smudge do look pretty though. I may just do some hunting actually. See how many shops have them. 
Was going to get the venesuelan blacks/orange 

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