New Pics! New Cories

I know the process... I'm just surprised you took the pics this soon. I usually have to beg first. :lol:
Now all that is left is the pestering... and it looks like I have help on this one. :rofl:

You either need an easier camera or a more cooperative computer. It shouldn't be that hard to load pics. Just the load and edit time... :whistle:
I know... I never take less than 100 pics trying to get one that shows what I am after. Then it takes atleast an hour to go through them to find the best ones...
Some day I am going to get you to post a full tank shot of all your tanks with a list of what all is in them... Now that would take a while! :hyper:

Get a nap and get those pics done! You can't hold my pics hostage in that camera for too long... that is just cruel. :eek: :lol:
I knew there was a reason I chose to concentrate on Cories, other than the wonderful Cory dances and ease of breeding. It's the Coriphobes on this forum. Wonderful people!

:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:
First ventures out in the new Super Schwartzi/Weitzmani tank



Mobs of Super Schwartzi: This is our corner! Where is our decore?



Please, Lady, Can we have more porridge?



We would rather dance behind the fake Betta decore


Love the super schwartzi, so similar to my C. pulcher. I wish I had more of those, but for now, they are schooling with the Brochis, so I'm not overly concerned. Not ideal, but I have to wait until they come in.

Really beautiful fish. I bet you are quite pleased. :good:

Beautiful fish! I really like the second ones. Which kind were they?

Ok... either I am getting old and senile... or there were supposed to be more than 2 kinds. :hyper:
I don't remember what all you said, but I am positive I was waiting to see one with a green or orange stripe too. Or maybe I am already senile... :blink:

Are these the only ones you got?

The second ones are Weitzmani. I got 3 to add to Frank's. No thanks for the pictures? just aren't there more? Yes there are more. I thought my Betta boys would like some fresh water. They have been neglected lately. :p I also had to work on the Interloper Fry ID pic. :p

They are an interesting combination. The Super Schwartzi aka sp. Pulchers group up in one corner wagging their tails and poking at the sand, while the Weitzmani dance in a different corner. They have chosen sides. I will most likely give them different tank mates eventually, although the difference in behavior makes the tank more interesting.
Sorry Sue... :blush: I am kind of preoccupied. I have a fish that is very sick. I am waiting for some one in emergencies to tell me what meds to use. She is absolutely mizerable. I feel so sorry for her. :sad:

Thanks for the pics! They are really great, and lots of them... I love that! :snap:

You know how I worry about my fish. They are almost like my kids... :rolleyes:

So when do we get to see the others? :hyper:
They are now about 3" w/o the tail. My pulcher variant #3 are about that size and are over 2 years old. I am expecting that these will get bigger, although I never asked Bryan. I am pretty certain there are females and none has the characteristic midrift. They look very like my variants. I am so tempted to put them together.

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