Photo Request

Wow! This is a long thread but I have really enjoyed looking at everyone's homes and tanks!
I'll add mine...this first one is the livingroom with the 55g reef tank. BTW, the black thing on the couch is the dog!! The next is a closer look at the tank. Sorry it looks not so great. I'm just starting to build it back up as the hurricanes in 2004 pretty well killed everything in there.

The last two pics are of the computer room with the 75g and then the next pic is of the 75g itself.


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Choc why is that betta in a breeding trap for? Also in the first pic is that a betta going behind one of the plants?
I know it isn't really a shot of the whole wall or how the aquarium fits in with the rest of the room, but it's the most suitable pic for this thread.

Wow, lovely tanks everyone! I plan to branch out from bettas and get a bigger tank soon.. 'soon' being when I get a part-time job, lol.

beechey - Wow! That is a gorgeous tank, great for a first one! I love the shape of it too. Your firemouth is cute.

Choc - Lovely tank! *wipes drool of laptop* Do you use CO2? I want a tank with live plants but I don't want the hassle of CO2. By the way, I'm sure that betta is only in the trap temporarily, but can you put my mind at rest and tell me if that is so? Thanks. :)
hi all. Durbkat, his fins have been shredded and he is eating all the babies!!! I just got a new fish tank and he is going to go in there. it was only temporerily! SPLiSH, i am not running a CO2 system, all i have is the filter running and air bubbles coming out the spuot! I personally think that you don't need them because they are going really well. I had a plant in there for 9 months without air bubbles and it is still going. And yes that is a betta swimming down into the plants. Thats Nemo. He absoloutley loves it in there. in the colder months, i thought he could go in there. but because it's hot in Australia, he is in there with all the others as he swims more and is a lot more happy. Thanks for the comments on my tank people!!!!! :) Choc
i was sure id posted a pic in here but i cant find it so please excuse me all if ive lost my marbles and it is already here!!!!
heres a pic of our 1 & 1/2 ft fry tank next to our computer & next to that our 4ft in our teeny lounge room in our teeny flat ( yes that is foil on top of our big tank :*) we're in the process of getting a new lid for our tank)
ive really enjoyed seeing everybodys pics & seeing where all your tanks are :D


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Discomafia nice tank, what fish do you have in there all I can make out is an angelfish or two?
What size tank is it and what fish and how many do you have because all I can make out is 2 pristella tetras?

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