Sometimes I wish I weren't so weird.

Define weird. Better words may be ambitious or adventurous.
I like weird, thanks. :lol: Although adventurous might be a good one too. My high school art teacher had a poster in his room of a guy standing on top of a mountain peak, watching the sun rise. The caption simply said, "I am not a normal person."

But yeah, there's something to be said for normal, sometimes. Weird (or adventurous if you prefer) can be frustrating and hard. Right now, I feel like I'm beating my head against the wall, and despite my badgerly traits, the wall is winning.
I don't see weird as a negative when I look at what 'normal' is.

Whatever you do that makes you learn new skills or be open to new ideas is okay by me. You're going to bang the badger bean against walls - sure. But that's just a phase. Eventually, one of the bounces throws you off into a direction that gets you somewhere. Or, gets you so concussed you become normal. If you catch yourself fist pumping the air because you're watching "the Price is Right", it's time to carve a helmet.
so is the problem, you aren't finding it as satisfying, as you thought it would be??? I understand the frustration part, as I witness similar, but I just move sideways, rather than backwards, until something takes...
Success is in the kids who decide to become things you never even knew existed - but that maybe you did a tiny bit to help them discover.
I don't think you're weird at all, the world needs more folk like you. Your curiosity and compulsion for experimentation is inspiring and the fact that you're a teacher means you're instilling the same into the next generation...and good grief do we need something more for the next generation 😅

Measure success with how satisfied you feel at the end of each day, or by your family's happy and content faces ❤️ and besides, you're the only badger I know that whistles 🧐 some call that weird...I call that extraordinary
There is not a lot of satisfaction doing things that are “easy” unless perhaps it is the first time you’re doing them. I think you’re more about the personal growth and the satisfaction of being able to say that you did it from scratch, on your own, in your own way. Challenges are strength training for the soul and your soul is here to grow and to show others how to obtain that same satisfaction from honing skills and using those muscles infrequently used, so to speak. What a shame to always take the easy way, never knowing if you could overcome the challenges and gain that confidence and independence. Keep using that brain, learning new things and taking advantage of new experiences. You never know you can do something unless you try. I think you’re more about the journey than you are the final result. You’re squeezing everything you can out of your journey.
Is there more to this frustration than paludarium and bows?
Insightful question. :lol: Yeah, life has been a little more complicated than I want lately.

Anyway, thanks for the kind words, everybody. I figured you'd understand.
OK, having read all that, take a look at this map of biotope aquarium projects. Is anyone else's eye drawn toward all the blank spots on the map? I notice there's nothing in the western USA. Very little in central Asia, nothing in northern Asia or North Africa. Hmmmmm... 🤔
Although I feel that I could expound on the virtues of weirdness at great length, I’ll try to keep my thoughts short.
Most of the weird people that I have known have been very intelligent. Intelligence leads to thought, which leads to curiosity. Out of curiosity, diverse interests develop. Weird and interesting hobbies and activities grow from this; weird behaviors may be a side effect.
Weird people are just more interesting.
Everybody has something like that, "weird" side... Most of my best friends are... "Weirdoze"... It add color to life.

My weird side is on the fact that I cannot have something that I have not modified. There's always something you can do to make it better...

So, I nearly always void every warranty of all the stuff I buy, engaging in this malformation :rolleyes:

I love playing with tools, I will make up reasons to bring them out and use them 😁

I need a small place for 3 cords of burning wood... Instead of making a simple rack and cover it with a tarp... I end up making a full blown 8 foot tall wood dryer.


Loll. If you think you are overdoing things... You're not alone.

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