yes i know your meaning completly and it is refreshing to see somebody starting out (even an experienced mod) with this approach as usually its a bit more of a grabby attitude.
Journals are teachiing tools. It's best to be thorough. If a newbie reads my journal, he/she will see our discussion and will hopefully shy away from the more difficult species. I've posted pictures of the books I've purchased. All my journals are this way. It isn't really for me.
tbh i would think that in a well planted (macro or mangrove) a few of the azoox inverts would be totally feasable but whilst i try to get people to keep a few of the easier species i tend to try and steer those same people away from the more difficult ones.
Agreed, some livestock are not for beginners. The anemones are a challenge too. I suspect they'll be too big for my system, though I've read conflicting reports on how big they get in a home aquarium. Anemones have a lot of body mass. If that thing dies... the tank is toast.

your quite lucky it would seem as if those are the only to species that you want to stock that i consider a difficult one to care for you should have a roarinf success![]()
I think the anemones, conch, and slug would pose challenges.
things like dendronepthyea, electric flame scallops and - it would seem - forever ellusive Muricella plectana are what call to me.... #41#### corals wanting to be fed!
You like what you like. I like mosses and liverworts in Planted tanks, others don't. I like Macro algae, others don't.