Pet rock watching

I miss that
LOLOL, I guess you can think of LR as a pet rock.
So this is what I have so far... It's good to repeat incase people don't read the first page of a journal. I say this because, sometimes, I know I don't... LOLOL
Tank: 36g corner bowfront, 21" deep, 21" radius
Lighting: Going with 2 x 65 CF fixture and 2 x 14W NOT5, so 158W. I think it's plenty for what I want. Will buy a moonlight or a red LED to watch nightime critters. Any recommendations on lights to watch the night time critters? Now, I no longer have space on the hood, so I'll need a clip on.
Skimmer: I'll get one. I think it's a good idea. Will be pricing them on Sunday
Substrate: Think I'll go with a DSB. I've been reading on them and the reef books I have tend to like them if they are done correctly, which is the plan. Beside, it'll be a sneaky way to get my tank less deep. A 21" deep tank becomes only 17" with a DSB! LOLOL
Live rock: I've made the decision to go with aqua-cultured LR.
Refugium: Still stubborn on this and will have macros in the display tank. I like them.
Sump: Don't think I'll need this either.
Heating: Now, I do have a question on heating. I live in FL and have central air. I know I'll need heaters in the Winter months, as we don't have heat and the house temp goes down to the 60s. On the other hand, when summer comes, ac kicks in and the house is at 76 degrees. But... See, we have a bit of a lemon AC, it crashes on occasion (like once or twice a year) and the house can spike to the high 80s. Or, I can opt to use smaller heaters all year round and keep the temperature a bit higher, like 78-80, to save myself incase the AC breaks and then the spike won't be as hard on the livestock. Last time the AC crashed, the house temp was like 87, but the tanks stayed at around 82, so I may be ok without a chiller. Sorry, I'm rambling, but it's good to bounce this off you guys now rather than deal with the consequences later. I know that what the reef needs is stability, whether you choose 75 as the temp or 80.
Fish List (so far):
Chalk bass
neon goby
Royal gramma
The assignment this weekend is to continue reading and come up with an invert list (clean up crew), a macro algae list, and a coral list. Also, to make a master list of all the supplies I'll need for this endeavor.