An excellent website that'll help me isolate Caribbean species. I find something I like, jot down the scientific name and then determine whether or not it's reef safe. I won't have to buy the field guide that I was looking at. Though I may regardless, especially to identify critters in the LR.

Some species that I'm looking at for inverts... By no means will I try to cram all of these in a tank! LOLOL, no, just want to have a closer look at some of these species.
Sessile inverts
Ricordea florida
Discosoma sanctithomae
Discosoma neglecta
Discosoma sp. (mushrooms)
Palythoa caribaeorum
Palythoa grandis
Zoanthus pulchellus
Gorgonians (yes, Lord Sorgan, am considering all options)
Erythropodium spp (Caribbean encrusting gorgonian)
Leptogoria miniata (much harder to keep)
Sea anemones (Like I said, considering all options, some look great on paper, but they are difficult to keep)
Bartholomea annulata
Condylactis gigantea
As I plan to have a DSB, feather dusters worms may also be an option.
Motile inverts
Cleaner shrimp
Lysmata grabhami
Lysmata wurdemanni
Periclimenes yucatanicus (a cleaner shrimp that requires an anemone host, but is also parasitic)
Anemone shrimp
Thor amboinensis (host in the Caribbean is typically Stichodactyla helianthus)
Mithrax sculptus
Clibanarius tricolor (potentially harmful in large numbers)
Paguristes cadenati (potentially harmful in large numbers)
Lima lima, Lima scabra (Very difficult, require supplemental plankton feeding of the correct particle size & rotifers)
Turbo sp
Astraea spp.
Trochus sp.
Nerita spp.
Tectus spp.
Strombus alatus (no hermit crabs if I go this route; may be too large for the tank, but definitley a FL native)
Sea slugs
Elysia crispata (needs algae Bryopsis, Derbesia, and possibley Halimeda, advanced species)
Macro algae
Halimeda copiosa
Acetabularia calyculus
Udotea sp
Galaxaura sp
Dictyota sp
Of course and everybody knows the fish list. I'm pretty stubborn on chalk bass, and the royal gramma. Besides the neon goby, I may research some of the extra gobies on that website I linked too. Might be interesting to see if I can come up with something more unusual that's also available in the trade. Found another gramma species that's good too (Gramma melacara). Also, having a DSB can serve multiple organisms, fish included.
In the coming weeks I have to decide which direction I want to go with the tank. There are several directions I can go based on lighting and flow and the stock I choose. My lighting is set, though I could always reduce it if it turns out I don't have any corals other than low-moderate light species. Really depends on what my lighting is considered; low, moderate, or high. LOL, sorry for the detailed list. Welcome to my world, detailed lists and lots of pondering.

All good, I just read a detailed article on Flame scallop and have read on the anemones too. LOL... It's all part of the learning process. Promise, this list will get shorter as I weed out species. Feel free to comment if you wish.