I've never kept a cherub angel, but my coral beauty (same genus) doesn't pick at corals for the most part, but devours macro, despite feeding daily. However, if your tank is filled with algae, a few nibbled leaves shouldn't matter, right
lol... The tank is potentially going to be entered in some planted tank competitions, so no, don't really want an angel messing around eating my scape.

Don't get me wrong, I think that angelfish is absolutely beautiful. Hmmm, what I may do is after the tank's competition shoot, invest in the angel.

It would be the last fish introduced anyway.
So an updated stock list...
Serranus tortugarum - Chalk bass, a shoal of 5.
A member of the genus Apogon (either lachneri or maculatus)
When the photo shoot is done perhaps... Centropyge argi
So six fish total, but may have 5 chalk bass initially then trade one in for the angel when the time comes.
Sessile inverts
Corallimorphs -
Ricordea florida
Discosoma sanctithomae
Discosoma neglecta
Motile inverts
Cleaner shrimp
Lysmata grabhami
Lysmata wurdemanni
Turbo sp
Trochus sp.
Ceriths sp.
Cittarium pica - possibly, need to keep my tank at around 76. That's the home temp now.
Sea slugs
Elysia crispata (needs algae Bryopsis, Derbesia, and possibley Halimeda, advanced species)- May add this after the competition shoot.
Macro algae & Vascular Plants
Macro algae - If it's marked in bold, it's heavily favored for the scape. I do have to take into account availability, though. I prefer green and brown with a focal point of a red species.
Halimeda sp
Halimeda discoidea
Halimeda opuntia - I prefer the look of this species.
Chondria sp.
Gelidium Sp
Ochtodes sp
Dictyota sp
Sea grass -
Halodule wrightii
The problem section.... The crabs. Still struggling to find a centerpiece crab from the Caribbean.
Crabs - I'm just going to list a bunch of them. Crabs are hit and miss, I know.
Mithrax sculptus - Potentially problematic with the macro algae. Potentially predatory... Bleh...
Majidae species - decorator crabs. Was told that the smaller Caribbean species may be cool, but the lit says "not reef safe" I tend to believe the lit..
Stenorhynchus seticornis - Arrowline crabs, kill bristleworms (bw can devistate macro tanks, so maybe I want this), can also be agressive. bleh... Crabs are so crabby. I've seen them in a bunch of macro scapes, though.
Petrolisthes sp. - Porcelain crabs - the most peaceful of the group. Can have a small group of these. Chalk bass may pick on them.
Clibanarius tricolor - Blue legged hermit - I can't mix hermit species, I know, so I thought I'd list them all again.
Paguristes cadenati - Scarlet hermit crab
I have a feeling my quarantine is going to turn into a crab tank.
The crabs, shrimp, and snails, comprise my CUC, so I've got to sort that out. Lord knows what I'll get in my LR. I'm not optimistic about that.
Thanks for looking.