Our Journey To The Salty Side - Part One

Clove polyps are easy, and should be in a good flow, Is anything disturbing them, are you changing your water weekly.
Try placing them in a good flow, seeing that everything else checks out. With your stocking levels as such, your weekly waterchanges should be more than adequate in providing all the chemicals your tank needs. Any algae issues, any photosynthetic issues with such, dropping the pH at certain points throughout the day. Measure your pH in the morning and again in the evening. Any Nitrate build up associated with overfeeding etc.
Just a few pointers to look at Sef.
Clove polyps are easy, and should be in a good flow, Is anything disturbing them, NO
are you changing your water weekly. Oh yes
Try placing them in a good flow, I think you may have hit the nail on the head here, I moved the powerhead higher up and it is getting less flow - am off to move it :good: seeing that everything else checks out.
With your stocking levels as such, your weekly waterchanges should be more than adequate in providing all the chemicals your tank needs.
Any algae issues, no
any photosynthetic issues with such, dropping the pH at certain points throughout the day. No Measure your pH in the morning and again in the evening. Good idea
Any Nitrate build up associated with overfeeding etc. No
Just a few pointers to look at Sef.

Thanks Colin, sometimes you just need someone to point out the obvious :good:

Seffie x

Any change in the Clove Polyps then Seff.
Any change in the Clove Polyps then Seff.

Clove polyp is beginning to look better - it is amazing what happens when you change the flow in the tank. I moved the powerhead to the other side of the tank and put it at the front instead of the back, the flow is bouncing of the side wall - doesn't look that great but I am going to experiment:

Toadstall is now standing tall and reaching up to the power head, before he was always leaning over and went very flat, he is now curled - looks even more lovely.

Xenia has opened even more :good:

Blasto has now swollen up to three times it's size - looks fab :drool:

Zoas are extending more :lol:

Clove polyp - think I have lost the big polyps but now have loads of small polyps emerging :blink:

Blooming aptasia is springing up all over the place :crazy:

And can't remember who suggested using one of those kitchen scrubbers (green on one side and sponge on the other) to get algae off the tank walls - but it works a treat :good: having tried, credit cards, toothbrush etc it was quick and easy with the scrubber - lol suppose that's what everyone says about scrubbers :blush: (sorry this joke probably doesn't translate over the pond but I am not going to explain - to save my blushes!)

Seffie x

it was quick and easy with the scrubber - lol suppose that's what everyone says about scrubbers :blush: (sorry this joke probably doesn't translate over the pond but I am not going to explain - to save my blushes!)

Seffie x


LOL :lol:

Be careful with them though, I have used some which scratched the hell out of the glass.
Yeah be carful with those scrubbers, LOL, they will scratch acrylic over time.
Remember the old algal scraper stick type with the scraper at one end (for a razor blade) and a planting fork at the other.
I use one of these with some corse filter floss attached to the scraper end by means of an elastic band. Ideal for cleaning the front glass.
Think Clove Polyp is on his last legs - he almost seems to be drying up - i know that sounds daft in water but that is exactly what it looks like :crazy:

Seffie x

Ok, I have got to own up I have commited a sin.....................

I have bought a Mandy because I felt sorry for her! As some of you know I have been growing pods and rotifers for at least the last two months and waiting for a Mandy to come along that also eats frozen (like Trod has). Well, went to Swallows, don't usually buy live stock from there :crazy: for a couple more hermits and a couple more snails and there was the most beautiful Mandy, oh so skinny, in a bare bottom tank with no Live rock and the tank was full of black sea urchins! I asked how long she had been there (I knew the answer because Trod had told me she had seen her there), a few weeks, well, more like six weeks - my heart would just not let me leave her - I said, she is rather skinny, they said well have her for £20 then :-( I just couldn't leave her. Hopefully as they had taken so long to sell her they might not buy any more, who am I kidding!

So, home she came, she is already looking brighter, picking off the pods from the rock and patrolling round the tank - she is very Inquisitive, she comes right over to the front of the tank when I stand there watching and almost says, ' so, who are you and what is your story'


She is very difficult to photograph but I think you can see just how skinny she is, my poor girl - just going to go and tip a pint mug of pods in for her :good: keep your fingers crossed that she makes it

Seffie x

She is gorgeous, I'm so glad you decided to buy her, now she won't break my heart everytime I go to get RO water :good:
Just keep checking her belly region Sef to make sure she's getting enought to eat. They will pick and pick at the rockwork but that dosent nessiserily meen her dietry requirements are being fulfilled. Just keep a eye on the area between her pectoral fins. She should be plump and alert.
Very nice i'm sure she will be fine Seffie,
I have a fish shop near mine that I try to keep away from as the conditions the marines are kept is appauling.
No need!!
Good luck

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