Journey from dining room to fish room.

I have now accumulated enough 1 by 6 and 1 by 8 poplar boards to dress the inside of the pond house. It does present a quandary though.

Do I now insulate the build and apply the boards or do I proceed to the fish room build. Finishing the inside of the pond house is not a large job but the insulation, stain and trim is a cost factor to an already overburdened budget. However, it would make the pond house a year-round structure which is intriguing. Finishing the structure would also require building windows. Again, an added expense. The drawback is the construction would mean pushing the fish room build back to the first of the year when the "fun" budget can be replenished for 2025.

Another consideration, I am tired. I can never remember being tired before. I think we pushed our old bodies beyond the limits imposed by age this past summer. Not a complaint mind you, just a realization we are not what we once were. I am uncertain if I am up to a large project at this point in time. Finishing the inside of the pond house is a small job that is not physically taxing. The fish room is a large project in comparison.

Both will be accomplished. We just need to decide the order and schedule.

Linda and I will need to discuss this over the weekend and choose how to proceed.
When I was 25 I'd look at the trust fund kids and wonder how much I could get done if I didn't have to work long hours to get by. Now I'm an older guy, retired, with a pension. I wonder how much I could get done if I were 25.

You can deny age, but we do slow down and get tired more easily. My favourite way of relaxing is working hard, but working hard at what I choose to work at. Alas, life can't always be fun, eh?

Why I prioritized a fishroom was that it gave me an opportunity to channel my restlessness all year round. I do less in summer when I'm outside with taking care of the house, welcoming visitors who come to see us and to see the sea, and generally enjoying the short season. Now, as the days shorten and the wind gets cooler, I'm prepping the garden for winter and thinking of indoor fish projects. I rarely manage to sit and watch the fish unless they present a puzzle I want to figure out. My set ups are constantly fiddled with, improved or led astray, adjusted, rethought and revamped.

You strike me as a high energy guy who doesn't sit around. I guess my question, coming from my own experience, is which of the projects will give you more pleasure? I know pleasure seekers are supposed to lie around getting grapes dropped in their mouths, but I suspect we're both more of the make something, maintain something, create something that works type.

When we moved here, I found myself with a space and a budget for the first time, but also with a need to move fast because the fish are living creatures and my temporary fishroom wasn't going to cut it. You don't have that pressure. I'd like to have planned better, with a bit more time to calculate out what I wanted the fishroom to do. I made a couple of minor mistakes I'd love a take back on, but since I'd already had a series of improvised fishrooms, I did okay.

Do you plan all winter, or enjoy a fishroom sooner? Do you fill the other structure with fishtanks when you finish it? You've wandered into a corner of the internet where people who choose fish projects tend to be the local majority.
When I was 25 I'd look at the trust fund kids and wonder how much I could get done if I didn't have to work long hours to get by. Now I'm an older guy, retired, with a pension. I wonder how much I could get done if I were 25.

You can deny age, but we do slow down and get tired more easily. My favourite way of relaxing is working hard, but working hard at what I choose to work at. Alas, life can't always be fun, eh?

Why I prioritized a fishroom was that it gave me an opportunity to channel my restlessness all year round. I do less in summer when I'm outside with taking care of the house, welcoming visitors who come to see us and to see the sea, and generally enjoying the short season. Now, as the days shorten and the wind gets cooler, I'm prepping the garden for winter and thinking of indoor fish projects. I rarely manage to sit and watch the fish unless they present a puzzle I want to figure out. My set ups are constantly fiddled with, improved or led astray, adjusted, rethought and revamped.

You strike me as a high energy guy who doesn't sit around. I guess my question, coming from my own experience, is which of the projects will give you more pleasure? I know pleasure seekers are supposed to lie around getting grapes dropped in their mouths, but I suspect we're both more of the make something, maintain something, create something that works type.

When we moved here, I found myself with a space and a budget for the first time, but also with a need to move fast because the fish are living creatures and my temporary fishroom wasn't going to cut it. You don't have that pressure. I'd like to have planned better, with a bit more time to calculate out what I wanted the fishroom to do. I made a couple of minor mistakes I'd love a take back on, but since I'd already had a series of improvised fishrooms, I did okay.

Do you plan all winter, or enjoy a fishroom sooner? Do you fill the other structure with fishtanks when you finish it? You've wandered into a corner of the internet where people who choose fish projects tend to be the local majority.
All good points ColinE. Pretty much sums up the quandary of vision versus energy, I think.
We have chosen to "winterize" and finish the pond building this fall. As previously posted I now have enough 1-inch thick, rough-cut poplar to finish the interior. The boards will need to be roughly sanded, 80 grit paper, and edge finished as they are live edge on one side. This part of the project is not work; it is hobby.

We will add 1 inch furring strips to the floor then put 1 inch foam down between them, cover with 8MM plastic and then OSB panels. An indoor-outdoor carpet will follow after walls and ceilings are complete. The walls and roof rafters will have FG insulation 3 1/2-inch R13. The electric boxes all extend 1 1/8 inch from studs and rafters as I planned ahead for a finished wall at a future point. The future has come sooner than I planned.

I have a 100-pound LP Gas tank from our RV days. After I have it recertified at the local LP Gas dealer it can be hooked up to a wall mounted heater and WALLAH, the pond building will be a four-season retreat a short walk away. The entire job can be easily completed but will not be rushed.

We will leave the waterfall running all winter this year. I will add a bypass in case we get a long-term hard freeze period. This will allow us to avoid an ice bridge problem that causes the pond to drain. It is unlikely to be needs but safe rather than sorry is my motto. All other water features will be stored after cleaning probably mid-November.

The pond still contains perhaps 50 Rosey Nosed Minnows that were born this summer as well as 20 or more largely black goldfish. The minnow trap was mostly unsuccessful in their removal, and they are nearly impossible to net from shore. I will shortly drain the pond by about 2/3 and then wade in to net them. We are planning to keep our original 5 goldfish plus 2 newbies that have interesting coloration. We will also keep a half dozen of the Rosey Nose. The surplus golds will be taken to another and larger pond a short distance away. The LFS will take the Rosey Nose. When the pond is drained, I also plan to clean the bottom and remove the couple dozen rocks that belong on the bank that Buster has knocked during his frog adventures.

The fish room project will be slowed somewhat. I will build the cabinetry in modules at my leisure during the winter months. The shop has some heating and is comfortable down to about 20 degrees so I can use it most days during the winter.

Frankly the need to purchase a new vehicle was an unexpected and heavy expense that leaves a hole in the budget for the next year. Money that would normally be free to use on projects is now owned by Honda. The slush fund needs to be replenished so next year we will need to be careful in what we tackle. Fortunately, we have the necessary tanks and most equipment on hand and the plumbing and electrical is mostly in place.

Age has caught us and we are facing that reality. Projects will get done, just not at the pace I am accustomed to.
The pond house is pretty much complete. The walls and ceiling are insulated to R13, the wall mounted LP heater is hooked up, and the walls are finished with poplar boards. Poplar does not shrink much as it dries so the gaps should be minimal and easily filled next summer with a sawdust and glue compound after which some quality paint will be applied. I watched the Sunday night football game to the background music of the waterfall. A dorm style fridge will complete the structure soon.

This week my cousin from California will be visiting so beginning Wednesday we will be relaxing and entertaining.

Linda took a fleet of guppies and swordtails to the LFS yesterday and came home with two large air stones for the pond aeration system in exchange. The "baby tank" is now empty and will be cleaned for the next group, she expects a litter of molly any day now. With luck they will be black. We are now approaching a point where all our Molly and Swords are homegrown, although we still have most of our starter fish as well as a couple of male Molly and Swords Linda bought specifically for her breeding experiments. She is having fun with the fish, and I am having fun watching her have fun.

Linda has the Angel eating from her hand now which is pretty cool. The pond goldfish also eat from her hand as do a couple of the frogs, squirrels and a chipmunk. She has a way with animals that is amazing, at least to me who they flee from.

The Monarch Butterflies are still flitting about the milk weeds and butterfly plant, and we still have hummingbirds which is a surprise this late in the year. Lots of honey and bumble bees, (and unfortunately wasps), are feeding on various plants. The sunflowers have mostly reached seed stage and because they are in front of the pond houses side window we are enjoying a variety of birds who relish the seeds. The birds also seem to like the bog and little stream bed we built this year. I did find a dead chickadee, still with down, at the edge of the pond Friday. I think she got wet and was unable to take flight.

It seemed we would never finish this pond project, maybe we never will entirely. We are already making plans for a small reflecting pool on the backside of the pond house with a lighted fountain and stream connecting it to the pond as well as a summer kitchen of sorts. For now, however, we are finished and enjoying watching the critters delighting in the fruit of our labor.
We have settled into a more normal routine in the past week or so. No major projects, no hurry, and no push to complete anything. It is relaxing and both Linda and I are pretty much recharged from a busy summer.

I have begun the process of building modules for the fish room build. Actually, had one dry assembled but was not satisfied with the final product so tore it down to the frame and will rework the finish. I am very picky with furniture crafting and these pieces are furniture. Need to tune the router table for some detail work, (perhaps). It is not yet winter, so anything done now is ahead of schedule at any rate. I have sworn to not rush myself in projects going forward. I learned a lesson in diminished energy this past summer with pond area projects.

Started a 10-gallon tank a few weeks back. We were uncertain what we would stock it with, but Linda wanted a small tank in the Living room. As usual she got what she wants. Anyway, the cycle is complete, and we took a trip to the not so local fish store yesterday afternoon to see what we could see. Linda settled on a very handsome cream and brown fella who seems to be delighted in his new home. While I enjoy caring for and looking at our liquid zoo Linda is turning it into a true hobby. She is now wanting a tank for female Betta with the idea of breeding them. She is currently reading on the subject, so I suppose it is only a matter of time. :yahoo:Fortunately, (?), we have a 5 and a 10 that are unaccounted for, or they were unaccounted for.

The All-Aquarium Catfish Convention 2024 is in Burlington next month. We plan on being there.
"Rescued" Frogbit from the pond Monday for use in aquariums. It currently sits in a tub under timed lights in Linda's growing room in the basement. We plan on giving the plants two or three bleach treatments over the next two weeks before adding them to the tanks. Pretty certain they are infested with the pond snails and their eggs.

Tested a ten gallon that was donated to us a while back. It leaked like a sieve and IMHO it was not worth a repair, so I junked it. I did save the glass and frame, only breaking one piece. PetSmart had a half-price sale, so I purchased a new one. Linda will be adding a lady Betta to it when the cycle is finished. Course I have to start the cycle before it will finish. She will be trying her hand at Betta breeding for the fun of it this winter. I will throw together a tiered stand for two 10's next time it rains. The current ten with a male is in the living room on a cherry end table I made 40 years ago. The new stand will be the same length and width, also cherry that I will try to stain to match the patina of the current tables. It will be taller though so she can stack the tanks, one for the male another for the Mrs...

The two Betta tanks will have real plants that I will most likely buy from connorlindeman in a couple of weeks. Linda looked at his stuff, on Etsy I think but maybe not, and is figuring out what she wants. Anyway, like the idea of supporting a forum member. Will get in touch first.

Took the fountain from the pond on Sunday, cleaned it and immersed in the cellar in a tub of water. Also disconnected and flushed alligator and frog spitters with bleach, CLR, then plain water. They will remain pond side for the winter because they are made of concrete. Next week we have a warming trend, supposed to hit the 70's so I will go wading and change out the air stones, do a bit of bottom cleaning, clean the waterfall pump, and remove the many rocks Buster Dog has knocked into the pond during his daily frog viewing. I have decided to leave the waterfall pump in operation all winter. The fall's sides were raised and lined when I rebuilt it last spring so overflow caused by freezing should not be an issue.
Pretty lazy past two weeks. Spent a few days at a friend's camp on Sacandaga Lake. Did some light fishing but mostly played retired.

Cleaned the pond bottom a bit and did a big flush and water change. Took the rocks out of the middle, cleaned them, then put them back in, also added a few more. These are where the fish seem to hide in the colder weather. Sometime this week I will pull the bio-filter and change the pipe that runs from the WF pump to the WF from 1 1/4 inch to 3/4 inch. This should increase the pressure at the outlet and help prevent freezing at the outflow, at least in theory. The donut heater will also go in this week. Not expecting any weather that causes freezing but the temps later this week will be summer like so that is the time to go wading. Pond water temp is currently 56 degrees so the fish have been on a fall diet the past couple of weeks. They either do not care for the diet, or more likely their metabolism is getting ready for the depressing weather to come.

I am still waiting for a rainy day to build Linda's two-tier Betta tank stand, and she is getting itchy, making small comments here and there. No rain in sight though.

Today is my birthday and Linda has organized a surprise party at the local pub with some of my classmates and football teammates from my semipro days. That is more years ago than I care to remember. I will try to act surprised.

I will begin building the cabinetry for the tanks in earnest next week. Her two-tier tank stand will be first up. That is a stand-alone and goes in the living room for her Betta project. After that I will start with the main project from the floor up. I want all cabinetries built before tearing out the carpet and putting down the new flooring.

I am a bit apprehensive about moving the aquariums and fish out of the room then back in. The original idea of using the enclosed front porch is a nonstarter so we will be moving tanks to the bedroom, kitchen and living room. We have a lot of company during the holiday period so have some decisions to make about timing. Linda does not want the house torn apart during this period and is pretty emphatic about it. Me? I do not care and am more than willing to start ripping and tearing.

Guess who wins this discussion!
My brother appeared unannounced over the weekend with a used mobile home oil furnace and 275-gallon oil tank, (he owns a HVAC business). Said the furnace was only a couple years old and the tank was in good condition. He also said he was tired of my whining about the woodworking shop be drafty and cold with just the space heater. He then installed, with mine and another brothers help, a rudimentary somewhat central heating system with actual heating vents over some of the more used work tools. We put a couple of 5-gallon cans of kerosene in the tank and it all worked. Yesterday the oil man delivered 200 gallons of heating oil. It will be bliss working in the shop this winter.

Linda decided on the rip and tear timing of the project. It will begin AFTER I have built the cabinetry and not before. This will limit the time of complete disarray in the new room to perhaps two weeks. It also means that all the modules will need to be built at once. Not how I wanted to do it, but it is what it is. She is in charge of the house, and I always defer to her on the subject when possible.

The two-tier tank for her Betta is nearly complete. I applied sanding sealer last night and will begin the final finish application later today after some pond work. It was pretty nice doing this in a well heated, 56 degrees, workshop.
Construction projects on hold for a bit. Need some medical attention to my leg according to a preliminary test. Next up a scan by a vascular surgeon. The joys of aging abound.
I have faced my mortality, stared t down and accepted my physical vulnerabilities. There is no way I can undertake my original fish room plan without expensive help. After much soul searching and talking the situation over with Linda we will be making some changes.

Simply put, until my leg issue is solved, likely with surgery with a moderately long time to a possible full recovery I am unable to stand for any great amount of time. This poses a real safety issue when working with joiners, molding table, radial and table saws. My leg literally goes dead without warning and that creates a chance of falling or stumbling. Not ideal when working wood across things that cut. I am currently comfortable only at the lathe, and that only because I replanted on a short bench that I can sit at. The leg issue is a bummer. It has been an inconvenience for some time but about 2 months ago became severe almost overnight.


We will purchase wood stands that are sturdy enough for our tanks. We will be scouring both antique and thrift shops for solid wood stands and paint them a yet to be determined color. The walls will be left as is with the addition of a yet to be determined splash guard. The floor will be done in four phases. The floor at the three walls with tanks will have carpet cut out the length by 24 inches wide. These areas will be tiled with water resistant tile, either click or peel and stick. These I should be able to do because they are relatively small square footages when taken one at a time. This system will also solve the movement of tanks issues nicely. When the three floor areas are complete, we will have the remainder of the floor done professionally, (Linda said we might as well have the carpet guy do the adjacent living room done at the same time. She is indeed a sly one.

The air and water work I should be able to do with minor help from buddies.

I am devasted at the thought of not building my own cabinets, but this is my current reality. I am sure the legs will be returned to normalcy but until they are I am limited in what can safely and comfortably done.

Linda did get her two-tiered betta stand finally. After Christmas she will begin cycling a ten gallon for a lady.

Here is her male who insists on being hand fed. He come to the surface vertically and expects individual pellets to be put in front of him. He ignores any pellets that are more than an inch from his mouth. Spoiled like the rest of our pets.


The golden years, oh yeah!
Amazing what having some help with a strong back does.

The room is moving along nicely. Linda and I picked up a 6-foot stereo console from, (likely), the late 50's. I have refinished a couple of these for friends in the past and they were always five feet long, so this was a real find. I gutted it and did a little hidden reinforcing and built a 108-inch top for it, not yet installed. This gives us space for the 90 gallon, the 44 Seapora and the 30-gallon breeder. The 90 will fill the former pass through nicely. When I sketched the wall layout it was apparent cleaning the tanks would present an issue due to the finished height, doable but inconvenient. A step stool will solve the issue but I am thinking that long term some sort of folding step will be better. Similar to what one might find in front of a church pew.

Next week we will tile the floor, or my helper will with me back seat driving and then set the cabinet in place. Tanks will begin cycling by weeks end.

I had let the pond waterfall, and a fountain operate Last week it was bitter cold and the outflow of the waterfall formed a crown of ice but the water continued under it. The fountain was another story, It built a large mountain of ice that extended to the shore. Ice began forming outside the pond and the depth dropped a bit. I disconnected the fountain and the flow from the artesian well refilled to the desired level. The smaller pond is iced as is the "river bed" that serves to direct overflows. The bog is crusty but seems to be generating enough heat (?) to prevent fully freezing to any depth. The past few days we had serious warming and everything is now unfrozen, and the fish are actually active. Next week we expect a serious polar vortex so the waterfall will bear watching. I may pull the pump over the weekend and put the donut heater in to keep an opening. My electric bill would appreciate that as the donut uses less juice than the pond pump.

We began this fish addiction in the summer of 2023 with five goldfish in the pond. There is now a dozen plus many rosy nose minnows. Countless were transferred to a large pond up the road at a local restaurant. Last February we began our aquarium addiction with a 20 gallon that was bought for 5 bucks at a garage sale, if I remember correctly. Linda would know. We are now on way to a full-fledged fish room that used to be our dining room, complete with a small library of interesting books, most as yet unread although browsed.

The building journey will likely never end but will certainly become less intense within a couple of months. The pond system is largely finished although we have some small projects in mind for aesthetics and BBQ. The pond house is complete enough that what is left is mainly decoration and amenities. The fish room will be complete with eleven tanks in short order with my newly hired help.

We are using the pond house some evenings this winter. It is pretty cool watching the snow fall on the pond.

Boy it has been a horrible end of January into February. I caught the plague and if I thought the reaction to the jab was bad taint nothing compared to the plague. The sickness would not go away. Felt a bit better a day or two then the dastardly virus would roar back. Monday and today I feel better than I have in three weeks. Good thing too.

Linda took a horrible fall on Sunday. Slipped on ice a hit her head and wrenched her back pretty badly apparently. X-rays show no broken or cracked ribs but she is in excruciating pain. Had her head checked in a machine to ensure no internal bleeding and that too was negative, but her head hurts too. She can barely move and is likely out of commission for a few weeks according to the Doctor.

Fish room is however pretty well finished. The pass-through tank is running with 7 angels and a blue eye lemon yellow pleco, a cute little critter. To its left is a 20 tall with Dalmation and Panda Molly as well as a BN Pleco. To the right another 20 tall with male only guppies, (we hope), and yet another Pleco the red. Under each 20 is a ten. One has two female Betta, the second two African Dwarf Frogs and some male Enders, (again we hope).

Two Aqueon corner tanks are on order and should arrive in a day or two. They will be used to swing corners. We decided the two 44 Seporas will fill the walls between the corner tanks and the hidden closet that has plumbing. We plan on two small chairs and a small game table in front of the closet. I will put them all on locking casters I think to make them easy to move. As soon as we are physically able we will do some antiquing for the table and chairs.

The south wall, interior, already has the 37 set up. Currently a BN Pleco, and female Sailfin Mollies, black and saffron. Next to it on either side are 29 gallons tanks. A male saffron sailfin in one a black in the other. Each of them has Swordtails and of course a Pleco.

The west wall has a breeder tank, 40 gallons with a divider. One side currently houses about 35 Swordtail fry. The second will be for Sailfin fry.

The helper saved my bacon as far as getting this to the finish line, well almost there. I still have trim work to do, some tile to grout, and a fair amount of those little things that I once seemed to enjoy but now look on as laborious. We also need to add hanging plants, as well as some on the floor. I said we but that will be all Linda, I think. The helper did not care about my plague despite my giving him many warnings. We kept a fair distance, were always masked, and I put our air cleaners in the room. They are supposedly virus rated. He also said his vacs were up to date. I did not do much anyway and stayed pretty much in another area of the house to protect Linda, who fortunately escaped the virus. Both she and I had the jab a couple months back.

Not sure what we will be putting in the Seporas and Aqueons yet. I do know I do not want any more livebearers unless they are single sex. Linda may have other ideas. She is very maternal.

It has been a year since this adventure began. Very little has come of the fish room as I originally envisioned, yet it has turned out as I envisioned, now there is an oxymoron. This hobby is more labor intensive than we realized, but we do not mind. It is a relaxing labor, and the water changes and vacuuming add intimacy to the hobby by offering a closer interaction with the pets. I realize now that in the beginning we were infatuated with the tanks and fish as decor, a repurposing of a largely unused, unneeded room into something pretty, even beautiful. As it turns out the room became something more, an expression of sorts of who Linda and I are. We love controlled nature I suppose, and the glass cages allow us to both control nature, or at least try, and to bring a bit of it into the house. We are taking great delight in the fish.

The aqua scaping still needs work but is slowly coming along. The faux plants are slowly being transitioned to live plants but that will take some time --- SHOUT OUT TO CONNER LINDERMAN on that. I need more driftwood and that will come in the spring.

This is an expensive hobby, and a far more expensive endeavor than we realized in the beginning. That is OK though because our plan is to run out of money on the very day we leave this mortal coil. Fortunately, we still have some left so we will stick around for a bit!

OH, note on photos. --- The old saying is if there are no pictures it did not happen. Linda has a phobia about putting pictures on the internet. She had a very bad experience about 20 years ago when she sold something on Craigslist. She allows no pictures that unless they are closeup that do not identify our place of residence. She simply has no use for what she calls electronic pretend communities. I will start working on getting her to come around for an exception aa soon as the nitpicking touches are done, and she likely will.

edited for spelling and punctuation.
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The journey from dining room to fish room is pretty well finished. There will always be a touch here and a touch there I am sure because change is constant, but the bones, flesh and skin is done.

Like the pond that came before the room it has been a learning process and a labor that has enriched our live. Cliche, oh yeah, it is, it is also true.

The main tank is a 90 that holds 7 Angels, one *Angel by name) is about 8 months old. The remaining six perhaps 3 maybe 4 months old. We anxiously await them to pair after which we will select two and rehome the remaining four. A Blue-Eyed Lemon BN Pleco has also been added to the tank. (S)he has doubled in size since being added 3 weeks ago and seems happy. After the Angels are rehomed, we will select a few appropriate tank mates to finish the stocking of the tank.

On each side is a 20 gallon. One has now has five female guppies and a male. This different from what were in it. All but one of the original males were traded for the five females. No money changed hands thanks to Linda's growing list of connections. The second 20 holds the Endlers and again Linda made a deal and instead of all males there is now a single male and four females.

Below the 20's are 10's. One holds two female Betta, (Linda's future breeding project). The second to dwarf frogs and six Celestial Danios. The Danio are a new addition.

The two new corner tanks are cycling now. One using Fritz and nearly ready. The second holds plants and is just bubbling. I had originally thought the corner tanks we ordered were 44 gallon but when I picked them up the turned out to be 54 gallons. That made the space allotted for them tight, but it worked out.

The two 44 Seapora are both full of water and doing slow cycles at this time. The Sailfin Molly remain in the 29's and are isolated by color. The males have been added to the appropriate tank.

The big change is the six rainbow. They are currently small enough to live in a 37-gallon tank but will eventually be moved to a 55 gallon. That may even wind up being too small, but we will deal with that when we have too.

There other fish in various tanks, Neon, Super Red BN Pleco, Swordtails, Danios and the star of Linda's show, Bozo the Blood Red Parrot.

This fish hobby is a friendly disease. There are now two tanks (10 gallon for Betta) in the living room, two tanks in the BR, (a 40 breeder and a 30 breeder), and there is a 55 in my office, not all are fish ready, but we are working on it. The stock will grow over the next year, most likely late summer into fall.

The next 6 or 8 weeks will be quiet time, reading and game playing in this new room with quiet bubbles, soft lights, and beautiful creatures. After that period, we will turn a page, and our attention will be on the pond and gardens.

With all that said, I believe this journal has run its course. Photos will be added soon and some sporadic updates, but the journey from dining room to fish room has been accomplished.

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