Our Journey To The Salty Side - Part One

Try hatching some brineshrimp (easy peasy) and see if the Mandarin/s will eat this small food source.
Thanks Ben and BigC :good:
Was thinking of hatching brine shrimp, in fact just bought kit :nod:
Do you use decapsulated eggs BigC? any tips for successfull hatching :blush:

Now also ordered copepods, 3 months supply from reefworks, bit pricey but will give me time to sort out breeding my own.
They deliver each week, nice one Ben thanks for all the info
I feed my pink scooter on brine shrimp. My local world of water do a 3 bags for £3 offer. So I feed these weekly on three consecutive days keeping them in the fridge meanwhile.
He stuffs himself silly on them. He eats frozen stuff as well but nowhere near to the same degree as live stuff. He can eat surprisingly large specimens as well!

It's a hassle free way of keeping him happy.
Was thinking of hatching brine shrimp, in fact just bought kit
Do you use decapsulated eggs BigC? any tips for successfull hatching
First off I just use a simple 500ml drinks bottle(Oasis bottles with wide necks are best) with 2x 6mm holes in the lid (one for airline in and one for the exaust) I hang the bottle on the sump in the cabinet and it recieves light and heat from there, I use spent saltwater at W/C time to hatch them in.
I dont use decapsulated eggs as I have a large supply of eggs from the necessity to feed Killifish fry. You can decapsulate you own (and have done so many times) using household bleach (non perfumed) and Vinegar. This I feel would be too much of a risk given the cost of marines should anything go awry.
I remove the bottle from the air supply and let the shells settle to the surface, shine a small torch at the base and the shrimp will congregate at the light source. I use a syringe with a length of airline attached to suck up the shrimp and administer directly into the tank.
Incidentally Newly Hatched BS will have the greatest nutritional value immediately after hatching and should ideally be fed at that time.
Thanks BigC, I have bought a complete kit, which you attach to side of tank.
Sorry more questions.
Am I right in thinking they take around 24 hours to hatch so, do you feed daily and just make fresh batch each day. if not how often :crazy:
I agree, Think I stick to buying decapsulated eggs don't want to start messing about with bleach :S
Thanks BigC, I have bought a complete kit, which you attach to side of tank.
Money to burn eh Trod.
Yeah its around 24hr hatch time. dependant on temp.
Anyway I hatch daily and I'm using this method at the minute as it suits my needs and I have no killifish fry on at present.
We have a drinks machine at work and I get the guys to save me their empty bottles, so I set up a fresh batch every other day I just make up a new bottle and rinse and throw the old one in the recycle bin. Just reuse the lid and hanger.
How much can I get for a kidney
Well I'm way past that stage now Trod
I've enlisted on a new clinical drug testing trial to help with future tank developments.
Theres a slim chance of brain damage, If the worst comes to the worse then the wife wont realise anything as she already says my brain's damaged so atleast she wont notice.
Hope I get the Placebo LOL

Yeah brine shrimp work great. You can use adult brine shrimp but you need to feed them up for a day or 2 before you give them to your fish (feed them using something like phytoplankton). Personally I always use baby brine shrimp as its less hassle (I use the same method as BigC). I dont have decapsulated eggs at the moment but they are a lot easier (once they hatch just run the whole lot through a coffee filter and then chuck them in your tank).
My hatchery has arrived :hyper: had to go and buy air pump, thought it came with it but it didn't :grr:

While at LFS decided to buy some of the live brineshrimp they had there, just to see what reaction I would get from my fish, and wow they went mad loved them :good:

Will set it up at weekend, when I have more time but really looking forward to it, it goes on inside of tank, not outside as I first thought :blush:
My question, will it be ok to put in the back weir, I was thinking of taking out my protein skimmer as I don't use it and putting it in that space, will it be to dark in there or should I put it in main tank.

Tested my calcium and KH today was a bit alarmed at result at first but after having a read up don't think they are that bad what do you guys think

Calcium 390
KH 10.2
PH 8.3
Temp 26 degrees
All other tests are fine
What an absolute awfull day yesterday, couldn't wait till weekend :blush: so decided to set up hatchery before I started work, spent about 30 minutes deciding where to put it in tank for it to have the least effect, decided on rear corner, attached it to outside with water in and air pump on while I sorted things out, when whole thing slipped off tank spilled water all over electrics and BANG :shout: :eek: Lesson learnt :look:
Eventually got all working again, so hatchery now in front of tank, looks awfull and so noisey but more to the point no brineshrimp yet :sad:

Going to give it another 24 hours, then go to plan C when I've thought what it is!!!!!!

Also lost yellow polyp today it just stopped coming out. Ho hum.

The joys of marine :fun:

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