Update on my Pod culture
Well, got a little tank, filled it with salt mix water, added an air pump and a culture of Pods and Rots, actually bought two of each and added the other to the tank. Put the tank on the window sill and waited and waited....................
four weeks later, I am thinking, this is not going to work, in walks my brother in law who says................you have got tiny white spots swimming around in that tank on your window sill.............

Seffie and Trod run in to see, Trod is as blind as a bat so she can't see them, but I can, yes, there are little pods swimming around
So, I now have my own pod culture alive and thriving...............but no Madarin, so what does Trod do, well of course you know - she goes out, finds a tank bred mandarin who also eats frozen

buys it, puts it in her tank and gloats loudly
Ok, she is going to order me one.......................but is that the point I ask myself
Anyway, then KJ says in a post: :quote:Just remember that it still needs some pods for long term health :quote: how I love you Kj
Love Trod really

but when she says this is war, you had better believe it and get yourself a flack jacket
Seffie x