I'm off work

at the moment with high blood pressure, last couple of days!
This morning wake up to find only one clown, now I know there was two last night so i fear the worse - had a rock rearrangement yesterday so suddenly think, omg I have trapped him some where

Panic! Moves rocks AGAIN, corals not happy bunnies and of course I haven't trapped him!
Look in the weirs at the back, nothing.......really panicing now. Then just as I have the lid up, torch out looking in all the nooks and crannies (where does that saying come from?) when out of the corner of my eye i see a little head bob up out of the weir at the back - relief.
Ok, so he got himself in there in can get out, sensible thing to do is leave him and wait........................waited two hours, can't stand it!
Plan b, filled tank to busting point in the hope he will swim over the top, nah, he is having non of it!
Ok plan c, food, he is a piggy - let him see the dropper and put in some brine shrimp, nah, again having none of it, now he is swimming from one weir to the other looking at me with sad eyes
ok, plan d, get the net - of course he swims to the bottom and I can't get him grrrrrrrrrr, not getting stressed, really I am not

blood pressure by this time making my head buzz (don't think that is good!).
plan e, whiskey works for me so maybe it will work for him, well the glass anyway

hold whiskey glass at the top of the weir so that it is hidden by the water and ...........in he swims
Got to go to the Gp now for my daily test...............how do I explain blood pressure even higher now than before, he is never going to believe me
Seffie x
And nearly forgot to tell you, am buying the gorgeous Euphyllia divisa from Claire at Rare Ocean, she has offered a DOA and it is my 50th soon so treating myself