Our Journey To The Salty Side - Part One

Expedition, was a success, well for me anyway :rofl:

Managed to get to a couple of shops and got some nice corals.

I am now the owner of a gorgeous feather duster, black and white, very nice, and yes I nicked it from under seffie's nose. that'll teach her :p
Also got a lovely white pulsing xenia, which looks pink under my lighting, it was pulsing like mad when I put it in last night but it has now stopped, I did read in THE BOOK that some only pulse a night, so I will wait and see.
My third and final purchase is a bit of a mystery, chap in LFS said it was a xenia, which as much of a novice that I am I don't think it is, I think it might be a daisy polyp, but I'm sure you guys can tell me exctly what it is :good:

Now photos




Sorry for quality not great with a camera but You can get the gist :D
Looks like a green star polyp to me, I have one my self and it was sold to me as xenia as well :crazy:
It’s a really nice looking coral bright green in the day time, then just the purple mat on a night when the polyps contract back inside hope this helps best regards
Yes it looks like a GSP to me too. The look great when fully out and swaying in the current. They do tend to take over a bit which can be a good or a bad thing depending on your point of view.
I have mine at the back of the tank and it's now grown up onto the back part... how's that for a living backdrop! I've 'fragged' it but the frag was 1/2 of the rock I originally bought it on and my main display one is still bigger than my original purchase!

I had a very similar feather (Gary) as well but unfortunately he only lasted a couple of months in my Orca 450 so keep an eye on him. Apparently their diet is a bit of a mystery and they often don't survive in a small tank. My smaller red feather (little Gary) has survived from the outset though...go figure.

Nice looking purchases though!

Yeah GSP
PS Is that 2-0 to Trod.....LOL
Thanks guys knew I could rely on you :good: , so a green star polyp it is, yes it has a nice purple mat when closed.

Was passing LFS store today, so would have been rude not to go in :blush: and little yellow assessor was still there :drool: yep you guessed it, he is now in my tank, pictures to follow :wub: Got him for a steal £29 a lot less than quoted first time :angel:

Will keep an eye on feather duster, thanks CageUK for advice

While in LFS guess who I bumped into........................................Seffie :rofl: what a small world
Well, we had a lovely day out - much like stepping into an unfamiliar world of very old geezers and whippets if you get the picture, was a bit surreal to say the least.

Anyway, Trod says she nicked the feather duster, I didn't really want it :rolleyes: and as for the Assessor, didn't want that either - mind you she got a bargain - was up for £50 she played the silly women, chap couldn't see the price and you guessed it - out she comes with a bargain and a big smile on her face.

I came away with a really nice green zoa button polpy - and boy I got a suprise when I turned on the moonlights - it glowed the most amazing yellow colour - :D Do they always glow -going to get some more if they do -I know I have to be careful with them (now!)

Book arrived but am saving for the weekend -heaven :blush:

Seffie x


Nearly a fts


Colour isn't really showing as well as I would have liked :crazy:


Olive green zoa button polpy -lovely, although had to feed the snail who was sitting on it to my figure 8s :sick: (chequer board)

Yellow polyps - much brighter than in photo

White/pink xenia who seems to have fallen over a bit, so will need straightening

Pussy coral next to the Xenia (with two little unindentified polpys)

Chocolate Clove polpy - great little mover!

Toadstool who is slowly coming out of a sulk! (only when Dracula moved in)

Dracula has changed his cave to the other side of tank to be close to toadstool - toadstool seems to like him

Seffie x

Certainly comming along nicely there Sef.
What are your plans now. Some nice Mushrooms maybe.
I know you must have had a sneek preview of the book in between marking homework so wadda ya think of it.
Nice tank
Ah, now that is where you are wrong Colin, it is still in its Amazon package - very tempting, but I have resisted :drool: Saturday is nearly upon us and oh how I am looking forward to THE BOOK :blush: a bit of peace and quiet (other half is on a golfing holiday) and total self endulgence :p

Do all Zoa's glow in moonlights?

Yes, need some nice mushrooms for that flat rock at the bottom - what do you think of the Ricordia (sp) Florida?

Seffie x

Yeah Rics are really nice and boy do they glow under actinics. There's a guy onn Ebay who's brilliant to deal with something like ricordiasuk. Packaging and mailing is second to none. You can even ask him for singles and he'll accomodate you no problem.
Not all zoas will glow, as you say, under moonlights the ones that do are usually bright coloured anyay.
Dont forget to do your bit for the envoirenment and re-cycle that Amazon packaging LOL.
Found said Chappie and boy you are right, he has some lovely ones. It's half term soon so will be buying a couple for arrival that week :drool:

So, Saturday morning is here, like a kid at Christmas I get myself ready, need supplies you know. First a quick peek in the tank (which we all know means at least ten minutes staring into the little ecosystem)


Then into the kitchen for scrambled eggs and fresh juice - get THE BOOK, still in it's wrapper, get the laptop and plug in (it's going to be a long one) next mobile, just in case that sister of mine texts me with another aquasistion!


Do you think I could win the Turner Prize for this :kana: :rofl: Even Billy, my gorgeous blue eyed Bengal can't take his eyes off THE BOOK!

Couple of hours on now ------------wow wee, am I enjoying myself - the first chapter on 'selection, husbandry and natural history' was fasinating. Interesting to hear him say 'less is more' as opposed to some very high tech tanks :good: Then on to chapter about 'reef world' - was totally ingrossed in the part about fossil records and that our present reefs are as young as 5,000 to 10,000 years old. The explanations of reef types was useful - giving an insight into lighting, placement and motion in our tanks - oh gawd sis is going to tell me off for blathering on...........then on to the 'anatomy lesson' now that chapter is utterly :good: the photo of corynactis is gorgeous. The diagrams of anatomy are really useful to get your head around something which is truly amazing. ok, on to 'Zooxanthellae'.....................

Seffie x


ps oh b****r just realised coffee gone cold!
I wish I hadn't told you about it now. We're gonna get a lecture everytime we ask a question. :rofl:
Get up and open the blinds woman, it's a lovely day outside and your just lying there supping cold coffee, flitting between "THE BOOK" your LAPTOP and the MOBILE PHONE.
Dont forget to feed the bloomin cat!
How sad!
Oh NO, She won't be seen again till Monday morning now :rofl: But must agree about THE BOOK, it is a brilliant read, I like the Husbandry part at the rear, you can read it several times and still read something new each time :drool:

Anyway I digress, :|

Got up this morning and OMG tank looked like it had been hit by a hurricane during the night, My xenia was down a hole, had to move LR to get it out, featherduster and colt coral were on their sides at bottom of tank, some LR had also been moved :crazy: now I was completely baffled, but after texting big sis I think she may have the answer, I have an emerald crab, could he be the culprit, he is getting rather large now.
I have now hopefully secured everything and nothing seems to have suffered too much.

FTS (Featherduster didn't like flash!!!!)

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