So off we went to Sevenoaks in Kent with our money clutched in our little hands - we arrived at STM and wow, wow, wow - you should see the stock they currently have, if you have got a few hundred pounds to spend then you could pick yourself up an amazing blasto or the like and the size of their Elegance, massive and purple tipped, gorgeous

I will let Trod tell you what she bought but I bought.................... nothing! I would have loved some of the blasto but they were just too big and too expensive

something to save up for me thinks

They did have lots of smaller frags of things but nothing really caught my eye or was on my wish list
Anyway then we went off and had some lunch in a pub called the George and Dragon - from the outside it looks like a lovely country pub in the inside it looks like a pub from the 40's - it was great, good old music and the sunday lunch was fab, lovely big slabs of roast beef, yummy.
Ok, back to Marine - we then set off for Fishy world, it was a glorious day to be driving through the kent countryside - all the trees in their amazing autumn colours. We arrived at a fairly small shop and thought, oh, but the service was friendly and good and this is where I bought my green with pink hammers Euphyllia - oh , so pretty, just as he is putting it in the bag I realise I have done it again, bought a pink coral

but it sure is pretty. Trod of course couldn't keep her hand in her pocket and made another purchase
Anyway, back to acclimatising
Seffie x