Our Journey To The Salty Side - Part One

Couple of pictures of the suspect :S


I can sympathise with you Trod on the way you have to keep a close eye on things and correct immediately. What you think is a nice calm aquarium before you head of to bed may not be the same situation come morning. I'm patiently waiting for the day Seffies pupils say "Teachers not in today again" and we'll all know the reason why....poor souls.
A word on the photography front. Wait until the evening and dont use flash. If you photograph through the day you will see yourself in the tank reflection.
and the emerald crab may make a neusience of him/her self from time to time by nipping the corals. Keep an eye on the little begger.
Glad you liked the book, I couldn't believe you could get so much book for such a low price (Yes we know you got a bargain Trod). I would whole heartidly advise anyone new to reef keeping to make this one time purchase. Look at Seffie now, before she knew nothing now she's quoteing words like Dendronephthya at me.
And that's only since Saturday....Amazing. LOL
Anyway girls good luck with the rest of the tank aquascaping.
Look what I got


Sorry thought i had done a crop of picture!

Blasto wellsi for £55 - just starting to open up so that I can see the green eye -I know I said no more pink but they were a steal, how could one resist :blush:

Seffie x

That was the find of the century at that price, does Trod know about this lone expedition. LOL
How many heads has that... I paid amount of dosh for a four headed one a couple of weeks back

Amazing coral and not too common either. Ski advised me to spot feed it frozen food stuffs so the same advice I pass on to you.
Just tried to count - gave up at twenty :good:

Thanks, will spot feed as suggested and see what happens - yours is a mighty pretty colour. The centre of mine is the colour of candy floss :drool:

Don't usually look at the other fish forums but was just surfing around when up popped a link for the blasto when I was googling some images and then to my surprise, it was local, very local - it was meant to be :rofl: didn't tell Trod in case she stole it off me :whistle:

A lucky day me thinks, sunshine and a bargain find - perfect

Seffie x

Hey Trod, is your tank re-arranged nightly, or only occasionally? And is it always the same area that is affected, or does the re-decorator switch it's targets?
Hey Trod, is your tank re-arranged nightly, or only occasionally? And is it always the same area that is affected, or does the re-decorator switch it's targets?

Hi Skifletch,

It is only occasionally, the colt coral and featherduster are the usual targets, what you thinking B-)
Hummm, ever watched the tank at night with a red flashlight? If it's only occasionally, I'd say that emerald crab would be a prime target. There is another UNLIKELY option and that would be a mantis shrimp. Chances are though you'd have seen/heard it by now though...
Please ignore this post (don't know how to delete the whole thing)............i have deleted it - have now found out the answer

Seffie x

Another question -

Diploastrea Heliopora, a lovely green with purple eye frag - I have read THE BOOK, seem to be fairly undemanding. Do you think this is ok for me to buy?

Seffie x

PS decided to give it a miss after talking with Cage - gets a bit too big!


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