Our 125gal Tank

amazing, just amazing!

those clown loaches must be so happy!
Hey, nice tank I read your old topic and even subscribed to it and now I've reda this one. Do you still plan on getting a juwel cichlid? If so my idea might not work. I was thinking maybe you could get in about 2 or 3 small tropical red crabs and perhaps a siamese fighter. I kept one in with guppies, platys, barbs, mollies and even swordtails [my mate also kept one with angelfish!]


you could try 8 bumble bee gobys?

Just some thoughts?
Hey, nice tank I read your old topic and even subscribed to it and now I've reda this one. Do you still plan on getting a juwel cichlid? If so my idea might not work. I was thinking maybe you could get in about 2 or 3 small tropical red crabs and perhaps a siamese fighter. I kept one in with guppies, platys, barbs, mollies and even swordtails [my mate also kept one with angelfish!]


you could try 8 bumble bee gobys?

Just some thoughts?

Uhm, are you sure you have the right person? lol

Thanks everyone though for the kind words :D
It's not nearly as pretty as some of the tanks here, but we all have to start somewhere :)

we all started somewhere like you say, once it starts to grow it shall look good, patience is the key!

Agreed. My first tank was no where near as nice as this. Bright blue gravel and aluminum plants. :sick:
Agreed. My first tank was no where near as nice as this. Bright blue gravel and aluminum plants. :sick:

Aluminum plants? Never heard of such a thing.

Hi Amunet,

The tank looks great. Glad to see you made it through the defective one. Have you hooked up the CO2 yet?

Agreed. My first tank was no where near as nice as this. Bright blue gravel and aluminum plants. :sick:

Aluminum plants? Never heard of such a thing.

Granted, I was 12 when I first set it up. The aluminum plant, Pilea cadierei, is a non-aquatic plant. It has dark green leaves with silverish blotches along the leaf veins. Very nice houseplant, not such a great aquarium plant, though mine did last about a year in that tank and my angelfish liked to spawn on it. I know better now, though I will still throw Pothos cuttings into a tank to develop roots for eventual planting. The leaves are always above the surface, though.
Granted, I was 12 when I first set it up. The aluminum plant, Pilea cadierei, is a non-aquatic plant. It has dark green leaves with silverish blotches along the leaf veins. Very nice houseplant, not such a great aquarium plant, though mine did last about a year in that tank and my angelfish liked to spawn on it. I know better now, though I will still throw Pothos cuttings into a tank to develop roots for eventual planting. The leaves are always above the surface, though.

I am dense. :blush:

I thought you meant an artificial plant made of aluminum. :nod:

I better get back to work. Thanks for educating me.
Agreed. My first tank was no where near as nice as this. Bright blue gravel and aluminum plants. :sick:

Aluminum plants? Never heard of such a thing.

Hi Amunet,

The tank looks great. Glad to see you made it through the defective one. Have you hooked up the CO2 yet?


Yep, CO2 was hooked up and ready to go as soon as the tank was in place :) heh

Frackin cabomba does NOT want to stay put! Grrrrr..... so annoying. Had some on right side and left side. ALL of the cabomba on the right side has come up. BAH!
BBA is looking pretty awful. It's not really spreading (as far as I can tell), but the stuff that's already there is getting longer. Looks gross. We haven't gone grocery shopping yet so haven't had a chance to get a turkey baster so I can squirt some excel on those areas. *shrugs* Oh well.

Same ole same old with the tank though. I'm so impatient, wish the plants would grow quicker! heh
Grow grow grow grow grow!

Replanted the cabomba, went and took a quick shower.... came back to find one of them floating again, look to where I had planted it, and guess who I spot spazzing all over the cabomba!
The BGK! WTH? Little greedy fish has def gotten over any fear it had of coming out during the day b/c he was going crazy all on the cabomba. Not sure if he was looking for food or just eating the plant o_O
lol lljdma. Very pretty indeed....

I'm having trouble with BBA as well... I have it on my wood. Used to have it on the filter intake but soaked it in bleach and it is now squeaky clean, however it has started to grow on my heater :S Not sure if I can bleach my wood or heater.. lol. I tried to scrub it but it doesn't want to come off :< Hard to even pick it off with my nails.

I had brown algae and green spot/dust on the glass but my otos have toned it down. It does want to keep coming back though.

Let's make a 'teach cabomba to stay' club lol (reminds me of training a dog haha). I hated that as well, always came up and floated all over no matter what... then the 'leaves' started to fall off. Sort of like my hornwort, don't ask how I managed to kill hornwort lol.

Anyone, nice tank :) I really love the look of your substrate.
TY :)
I wish the play sand we had gotten was as clean as I've seen some of the tanks here have. But what we got had small black, gray, etc rocks throughout it. It's ok though.
I think I might add a little more sand on top in spots.

Yeah, I've killed hornwort before lol. I have no idea how, but *shrugs* It happened and made a HUGE mess.

I always seem to have this problem with cabomba. It'll grow wonderfully at first. Just shoots up overnight pretty much, and then it starts to die and break off all over the place. *shrugs*
I just hope it all doesn't end up dying like it usually does for me.

I'm just really excited and hopeful that the plants will do well, that we'll FINALLY get the freakin metal check valves in the mail (should be here any day now).... and just... yeah.. have a nice tank :)
Going to be taking out about half of the java moss. Hopefully getting some cherry shrimp tomorrow and want to put some in our computer room 10gal for them. SO excited about getting them!

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