Okedoke, photos!!
First up, bad photo of the Black Ruby Barbs in the quarantine tank. This was pretty much a few hours after they were put in to the tank so colors aren't great. They've since colored up though, so will try to get a better photo of them tomorrow. They're so stressed out though and at least 1 of them def has Ich. Poor lil things
Some of the plants Phage sent to me
The 3 tiger lotus
Some of the pennywort in between the split in the wood... think it's come up though heh I'll figure out where I want everything tomorrow
The stuff in the back is some I already had that's being covered in blah algae
Phage's plants were so nice and algae free.... not for long though, at least not in my tank muahahaha
Phage also sent me some dry ferts which I forgot to take a photo of, a couple of small crypts that I also forgot to take a photo of heh.. and wter sprite, which you'll see in a min
Thanks Phage!! **HUGS**
The tank was getting overrun with algae.. BLEH! From what it looked like... it was brown algae, green dust algae and green spot algae underneath both of those.. BAH! Also the staghorn or BBA, whichever it is is still on a few leaves along with the brown algae getting everywhere still.
Left side... (Phage's water sprite that didn't want to stay planted heh
Hoping the lotus plants will help fill out the areas I put them in. Well will need to move the one that I put up front heh.. just wanted to put it somewhere though, get it in to the tank