Our 125gal Tank

They don't stay still long enough for me to get a really good look at them.
I'll try tonight though.

It's only just a single spot on a couple of their tailfins. Haven't seen any on their bodies or other fins, but like I said, they don't stay still so I can inspect them very well. Sigh....
I wish I would've known sooner you planned to buy dwarf sag, I had some I threw out lol.
Sending your box today ;D
3 tiger lotus, some extra crypt. wendtii's, Brazilian pennywort, watersprite (I find it doesn't shed leaves like wisteria), uh I think that's it. Oh and something else, you might like to try it lol (it's not wisteria or cabomba, don't panic :lol:)

I hope your fish aren't getting sick :(!
What's the tank's temperature? The ich cycle progresses faster the warmer it is. Might be something to try if all the fish species will tolerate a few days of 80F while you're treating. If it is indeed ich, I'd dose longer, at 1/2 strength, which is less harmful for the plants, and then do water changes everyday. Sounds like so much fun on a 125g. :crazy:

So glad right now that my tanks are small.
i use a pump to empty my tank, about 30gals in 15mins with a 550l/ph pump :D

Wow... that's what we need.
We only have one of those big syphon/python things. Takes frackin forever to do water changes, but oh well heh.

So update on the clowns...
I don't think it's ich. At least really hoping it wasn't. Looked at the clowns today, still no other spots, and it looks like the ones that I saw aren't there any longer. No other fish looks to have anything wrong with them spotty-wise either, so... yay :D

On the plants and the rest of the tank.... green dust algae is getting awful on the tank walls. Looks like the staghorn or BBA, whatever it was is almost gone though. No idea how. The brown algae is slowly getting worse.... gonna have to clean as much as I can off the leaves. Also looks like some of the sword plants aren't doing well. May need to up how often I'm dosing with liquid ferts.
Will get some photos tonight if I remember :)
I hope you kick that algae's butt. Is it dust or green spot algae? I thought I had dust but it turned out to be spot. Hard to tell.
The surprise thing I sent you might help with algae. Have to ask Aaron when you get it lol.
That's very cool Aaron :D
I mean I don't mind our Python, it's just a little slow is all, and I hate rolling it up after I'm done :p heh

OOOO I can't wait to get the package in! So excited :D

We went to the LFS today. Went there hoping to get some more corkscrew vallis and a couple more khuli loaches, but we ended up getting 4 Black Ruby Barbs. We thought they were some kind of tiger barb hybrid since they look very similar. But looking them up now, apparently they're not the same lol.
Some of them were dull in color (like a dirty water brown tiger barb), others were SO gorgeous. Bright red faces and dark bodies.
No idea which we got since my hubby didn't bother saying which ones to get.. sigh. The fish are currently in the 10gal Q tank getting treated for ich. So they're pretty stressed and I'm sure not showing their full color.
Probably should've gotten more but they were $7 a piece lol. I'm sure they'll be fine once in the bigger tank in 2 or so weeks :)
Just wanted to update really quick.
Recieved the plants from Phage.. along with the baggies of the dry ferts.. yay :D
TY So so so so much Phage!!! **BIG HUGS**

Planted the plants in to the tank, but I need to clean the tank a bit.. green algae all over the place and what not... and will get photos tonight :)
Okedoke, photos!!

First up, bad photo of the Black Ruby Barbs in the quarantine tank. This was pretty much a few hours after they were put in to the tank so colors aren't great. They've since colored up though, so will try to get a better photo of them tomorrow. They're so stressed out though and at least 1 of them def has Ich. Poor lil things

Some of the plants Phage sent to me :)
The 3 tiger lotus



Some of the pennywort in between the split in the wood... think it's come up though heh I'll figure out where I want everything tomorrow :D The stuff in the back is some I already had that's being covered in blah algae :p Phage's plants were so nice and algae free.... not for long though, at least not in my tank muahahaha

Phage also sent me some dry ferts which I forgot to take a photo of, a couple of small crypts that I also forgot to take a photo of heh.. and wter sprite, which you'll see in a min :D Thanks Phage!! **HUGS**

The tank was getting overrun with algae.. BLEH! From what it looked like... it was brown algae, green dust algae and green spot algae underneath both of those.. BAH! Also the staghorn or BBA, whichever it is is still on a few leaves along with the brown algae getting everywhere still.

Left side... (Phage's water sprite that didn't want to stay planted heh ;) )




Hoping the lotus plants will help fill out the areas I put them in. Well will need to move the one that I put up front heh.. just wanted to put it somewhere though, get it in to the tank :)
Yay pictures :) Glad you like the plants!
The lotus plants don't seem to be affected by algae so much as other plants can get so I don't think you have to be so worried about those. And they seem small now but they will get huge... :hyper: Pennywort leaves grow in pretty quick so if they have algae on it, don't have to worry so much :lol:

I sent kno3 (white), kh2po4 (blue), and csm+b (brownish), Aaron should be able to help you figure out how much to use XD I'm clueless when it comes to everyone else's fert needs except my own.
Woot..got the other plants I ordered in today!
Didn't realize how much I had ordered lol... freakin ton of vallis. Put most of it in to this tank b/c I had bought some from Petsmart the other night to put in to the shrimp tank heh.. Oh well.
I dunno if the poor fish have anywhere to swim now heh.
Will get photos tonight.
Alrighty photos. Took these last night and just forgot to add them heh
And I swear I clean the tank walls, but the green algae comes back very quickly.... BAH! I'll never have a nice pretty algae free (for the most part) tank!

Just showing some of the plants I got

Corkscrew vallis



Jungle Vallis... was very surprised at how large it is! It didn't arrive in fantastic shape so just hoping it will recover

1 of the crypt plants

Some of the very long dwarf sag

And for some reason I took a photo of the right side of the tank.. *shrugs* Maybe I wanted to show off all the BLEH brown algae! lol

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