Few random shots I took tonight.
Forgot to take a full tank shot though
Was stressing the fish out quite a bit b/c I turned the light back on to take these heh... bad me.
Ignore all of the dead bits.... I've been a bit lazy this week and haven't gotten around to plucking them out. I know.. laziness really isn't good with this hobby, but my energy levels this week have been pretty low.
Hey look... some cabomba that came up! What a surprise! :\
Pretty hybrid rainbowfish
Skunk cories... so easy to take photos of when they're sleeping
Rare site.... the rubberlip pleco. I really hope it's getting enough to eat. There is green dust algae all over the back of the tank. And I've been putting a slice of cucumber in to the tank right before lights out mainly for it (not knowing if it's getting any of it).
Nasty BBA and brown algae everywhere... SIGH! Just hope the brown algae clears up soon so all I have to see is the BBA
lol The combo of both is just hideous though.
Left side
Was funny when I put in the cucumber. Turned the dining room light on, stuck my hand in, and started getting attacked by the danios and rainbow fish rofl. All of a sudden start feeling the fish running in to my arm and hand
No idea what they were doing, guess they were just disoriented or something.
Maybe need some more faster growing plants. I don't want anymore cabomba lol. And don't want any hornwort... it doesn't do well in this tank for some reason.
Not sure what else we could get though. *shrugs*
The CO2 has been running fine for once. Still no frackin check valves though and getting PO'd about it.
Uuuuuhm.. what else..... plants all seem ok for now. Think I'm going to put in some root tabs under some of the swords though. Just to make sure they're getting everything they need.
Need to do a water change, will do one Sunday and clean up some of the algae... bleh.