Bad quality photos time! WOOT! hehe
Got our 20lb canister today from the welding place. So happy DH actually remembered to go lol. I really need to check for leaks, but so scared to use any kind of soap ANYWHERE near the tank lol.
We also really need to find some metal check valves
And our 2 newest tankmates.... 2 bosemani rainbow fish
We went to Petsmart friday? and saw them in the tank. 1 has the normal yellow half you see, and the other has an orange half, very pretty!
Awful photos I tryed to get of them. They're still pretty skittish in the tank. I don't think they realize that the other rainbows are rainbows heh.
I think I was trying to get a shot of the rainbows in this one as well *shrugs* lol
And tank shots... most of the plants are ok so far. The hairgrass seems to be dying though. I just don't think we got good ones. Can't find anymore on ebay from a different seller either (or one in the US). SIGH
And full tank shot...
random tidbits of info...
Did water change today. Lots of green dust algae on the tank walls. It was easy cleaning off though.
The brown algae was a pain in the butt cleaning off. Still have some of it on the filter and anubias leaves and such.
Also looks like might be getting maybe BBA.
Our other tank that had a couple of the sword plants in it has a problem with staghorn? algae, and I think some of that may have gotten in to this tank. Reason the other tank has staghorn is b/c of bad circulation. 2 really crappy HOB filters... sigh. Really need to replace them.