Oscar On 40 Gallon Aquarium


Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2006
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
im just wondering if i keep my oscar on 40 gal what will happen to him and will he survive

or should i just let him go and just buy some electric yellow chiclids and how many can i keep on a 40 gallon
a 40g is way too small for an oscar long-term. I'd buy a larger tank or rehome it if I were you.

Also, oscars are south american (new world), not african.
do you already have the oscar?
how big is it if you do?
eventually you are going to need a minimum of a 75 us gallon tank because there going to get around 12-16inches in some cases so obviuosly you need lenth plus turn around space and obviously swimming space :good:
55 gallon is about as small as you'd want to go.

no, nelly is right, 75 at the smallest, but would say more towards 90 as the best minimum. Oscars do get quite big and if you left him in the 40 for life, it would stunt the fish and he would have a severly shortened life, maybe cutting it in half or more.

electric yellows are africans and would not be good with the oscar because the two have different water condition needs as well as africans tend to be much more aggressive than new worlds, even if the o is much bigger.
people look at his message clearly then think for a bit he said "im just wondering if i keep my oscar on 40 gal what will happen to him and will he survive
or should i just let him go and just buy some electric yellow chiclids and how many can i keep on a 40 gallon" he didnt say that oscars are a african cichlid he said should i let him go[take back to pet shop]

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