Orca Tl550 Journal

Thanks alot.
I just wondered if the access was good.
I will be following this with keen interest.


Have a look on my thread, there are pictures there

Seffie x

Managed to find a LFS with mixed salt water so picked up 50Litres

They have recommended a Tuxedo urchin to tackle the hair algae has anyone used these for hair algae please?

I wouldn't buy one - emerald crab is a better bet

Seffie x

Thanks Seffie have 1 emarld crab in there atm chomping away at it :)

The Leather coral that came with the tank seems to be much happier now covered in polyps ;) (will post a piccy once it finishes molting)

The issue i have with it is that it is a little too big for my tank imo, what do most people do if corals are to big?
It basically means cutting a piece off of the main coral to make smaller pieces, its normally done when the mother colony gets large :good: Its often a good cheap way of buying corals rather than spending a lot on a large coral. Have a look on you tube there are some videos on there of people doing it.
Nitrates have dropped of now so added to CUC to tank today.

5 Dwarf blue legged hermits.
10 nass snails

3 turbos (came with tank)
1 sand sifting starfish (came with tank)

Two my surprise I found 2 sexy shrimp today guessing they came with the tank.


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Have a few more questions ;)

I have ordered an upgraded pump to replace the orca standard one as the flow through the filter seems a little lacking I also have a K2 doing a lot of circulation. but I have noticed there seems to be a slow water area behind the rocks I have seen a Korilea nano for a very good price would it be worth adding this in behind the rocks or would this be to much flow? (upgraded spray bar is 1200 LPH)

2600 LPH + 1200 LPh + 900LPH

4700LPh 125L tank roughly 37 times an hour?

Also as I inherited the tank everytime I do a water change I disturb a lot of matter would it be worth sticking in a sponge filter whilst doing the water changes only to clear this matter up?
Nope its fine the only thing I dislike is not being able to see in the filter but all these tanks will be the same when I go for a bigger tank I will get one with the class filter below or build my own.
Added a few new corals

The only one that does nt seem too impressed is the Zoanthid its in a high light hi flow area is this the right place for it ?

Not sure the type of the xenia if anyone could inlightin me that would be great ;)


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Looking really nice :good: Love those little sexy shrimp hiding in there, wonder what else is hiding away in the rocks?
Thanks been out again today and picked up a few LPS grabbed a very small frag of duncan a small trumpet and a Torch all quiet cheap would rather see small corals growing than the big expenses of large ones, the the torch orginally had 3 heads but apparently had been stung so 2 died not sure if I should cut them off or just see how it goes.

The duncan is a single head very small will try and get some mysis to it.

Do Torches and trumpets need feeding as well (or like to be fed)?

I have also found this bit of rock with what it looks like something growing on any ideas ?


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Thanks been out again today and picked up a few LPS grabbed a very small frag of duncan a small trumpet and a Torch all quiet cheap would rather see small corals growing than the big expenses of large ones, the the torch orginally had 3 heads but apparently had been stung so 2 died not sure if I should cut them off or just see how it goes.

No, you don't have to cut them off

The duncan is a single head very small will try and get some mysis to it.


Do Torches and trumpets need feeding as well (or like to be fed)?

I spot feed mine weekly

I have also found this bit of rock with what it looks like something growing on any ideas ?

Look like Zoa to me - give them time and they will open, wonder what colour they are

Seffie x


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