Orca Tl550 Journal

Hi Trod and thanks I bought the last ro from LFS whilst I figure out my RO Unit I will check the nitrate level of the LFS water as I have some left

If this is ok I will do 25 Litres tommorrow will post new setup in a bit

been looking at Corals trying to plan a bit ahead ;)

I have seen the open Brain corals these look cool are they easy to keep or are they for later on in my salty journey?

The rest of my Corals I think I will go down the frag route are there any good on line shops I can window shop at that are recommended?
Tested LFS RO water Nitrate is about 5 not good but better than my 75

Got my RO sort of working but the tap connector will not do up to the washer so it leaks from the tap so not sure I can get the correct pressure will look at a plumbing site to see if anything is avail to fix the issue.

Will use the LFS water tommorrow and hope to get mine up and running for the weekend.

Which chamber are you growing Chateo in mine are a little full ish.

Left to right 1 has the return pump in 2 has the heater and the romaphos 3 has LR in 4 has just my dodgy clingfilm fixed skimmer in (New one shipped from hong kong today) on ly place I think I can squeeze it in is below the skimmer?
Yep thats not to bad :good: I would do a bigger change if I were you around 50L if possible.

I have my chaeto in the same chamber as the rowaphos and LR rubble :crazy: bit crammed but it works ;)
50l not sure I can mix all that in one go :blink: will go with 25 as I can just manage that can test again after and do another 25L the following day if needed.

Is there a level which will be safe to add the CUC I know fish dont mind Nitrate at 40 but I am unsure on inverts?
Might have found my source of Nitrate after having an issue with my filter I decided to investigate furthur so equipped with kitchen utensils I probed into the chambers to my dismay I located 2 more black sponges one of which was cloged (causing filter issue) and yet another bag of hula hoops Grrr wish I had found before I filled tank ;)

Is there any benefit in moving the heater into the return pump chamber as this will free up a whole chamber to add more LR into the other one is half full now so can squeeze in a lamp and some Chaeto (once sourced) ?
Might have found my source of Nitrate after having an issue with my filter I decided to investigate furthur so equipped with kitchen utensils I probed into the chambers to my dismay I located 2 more black sponges one of which was cloged (causing filter issue) and yet another bag of hula hoops Grrr wish I had found before I filled tank ;)

At least you've found it now :good:

Is there any benefit in moving the heater into the return pump chamber as this will free up a whole chamber to add more LR into the other one is half full now so can squeeze in a lamp and some Chaeto (once sourced) ?

I can't see why not, if you can fit it in, just make sure it doesn't touch the flexible pipe, as over time it might melt it :crazy:
Excellent - news about the find :good: now you can concentrate on getting the nitrate down to below 10 - when it goes below 10 you can add some more cuc :nod:

I would also move some of the lr off the glass, it will be a bu***r to clean otherwise

Seffie x

Have taken some stone out think there was too much in there, Moved the heater into return chamber so have a empty chamber now. Addd Chaeto in chamber with LR light ordered hopefully here tommorrow.

Postponed water change as salt needs 12 hours of mixing is there a quicker way?

If I do a big mix how long is it safe to leave in a plastic jerry can so I only have to mix once a month would be good?
Could you do me a favour?
Could you get a picture of the tank.
Front & Back.
The way the lid moves about.
And how easy access it is to maintain.
And how easy it is to change round the back.
As I might be purchasing one of these.
Thanks alot!

Here is a picture of the front cant get to back as the wall is in the way.

The lid hinges at the back and can be slid back and behind or just held up at 90 degrees with a brace.

plenty of access to maintain albeit the chambers on rear filter are very deep.

Not sure what you mean about changing the back.


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Thanks alot.
I just wondered if the access was good.
I will be following this with keen interest.

Managed to find a LFS with mixed salt water so picked up 50Litres

They have recommended a Tuxedo urchin to tackle the hair algae has anyone used these for hair algae please?
Sorry to hijack again Morri.
How much did the water cost you?
Also is there anything you feel you need to warn me about this tank.
Things you didnt do but wish you had done?
Things you wish you avoided?
Sorry to be a pain.

Sorry to hijack again Morri.
How much did the water cost you?
Also is there anything you feel you need to warn me about this tank.
Things you didnt do but wish you had done?
Things you wish you avoided?
Sorry to be a pain.


water at crowland was £4 for 5 gallons i think, with salt x]
5 for 25 litres

Nope tank is fine if you buy one make sure you get all the foam out 3 pieces + 2 bags of noodles (if going for a reef tank).

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