Omg Cory Eggs!

New photo of baby Nomo, 8 days old. There never appears to be much change in him, but when I compare closeup photos there is most definitely a difference. His head has gotten longer since I took the photo before this when he was 3 days.

Click for bigger version.

I've not got a turkey baster, but over recent months it's seem to become one of those things I should probably put away in my cupboard at some point.

Currently feeding three times a day (once when I leave for work, once when I come home and once when I go to bed). I feed one meal Hikari First Bites, one Liquifry and the third meal whatever I feel like.

A routine water change and clean up turned into a major operation. Decided to test the fry tank water before changing and it turns out the sponge filter had been completely ineffectual as he's been sitting in 1ppm ammonia for God knows how long. No nitrites so I don't think the filter has been working at all. The sponge had been in my main tank filter for several weeks beforehand so that wasn't the problem. Luckily I have a HOB filter in storage and the cartridges have been living inside my main filter canister, so it's not a problem to get it set up. I just hope the little guy is all right.
Glad he's still alive!
Be sure to put a piece of stocking over the filter intake so he doesn't get sucked up.
hi Cezza, He's grown a bit for definite (judging by the new picture anyway) I'm so pleased he's still going strong.

I discovered my platy and guppy fry were living in 4ppm of ammonia last week and they've all suvived (mind you I can imagine platy and guppy fry are tougher than cory)

I'm still following your thread with interest and still got everything crossed for you and Nomo.

Good luck :)
You'll probably find its the firstbite and especially the liquidfry thats affecting the water quality, i use to have awful spikes with both of these... now i use decapsulated bbs and tetramin baby powder...

To encourage growth of the wee fry, do small daily waterchanges and keep the bottom clean, it'll soon thrive... hopefully the ammonia hasn't had a affect on it...
Aww, thanks for the kind words guys.

By some freak coincidence I happened to have bought a pack of tights last week, so I was able put some over the intake. Also put some over the outflow. I had the bottom of the tank absolutely spotless then turned the filter on and a bunch of dirt started coming out and ruining all my wonderful work. After a few seconds I thought to turn it off and put tights over the outflow too which is catching the worst of it.

Been meaning to look into getting one of those air driven gravel vacs that run off an air pump. Does anyone know if they're any good? Long story short one of these would make maintenance on my main tank better (I have a separate system for removing water and want to be able to clean the bottom without removing water) and it could also come in useful for this one as well.

Got the tank on my windowsill rather than on the floor now. I know this may leave me a little more prone to algae problems but it'll make it much easier for me to find the little guy and maintain his tank. I also feel the light coming in will be better for him as he gets used to a day-night cycle. My window faces north and never gets any direct sunlight so I would have thought the temperature should be stable.
I know it's not been long since the last photo, but I've taken another tonight as I can see the barbels starting to form! He's so completely different now from when he was a newborn, it's amazing.

The pic on the left is him today, the one on the right is him when he was first born.

A quick pic of my setup for anyone who's interested.

I keep a towel draped over the top to stop the condensation getting out and making my room damp and give him a bit of shade.

I've made a photobucket album for him now. All his photos are at
if it helps, you really don't need a heater in there for fry so young, which means you dont have to worry about temp matching new water, just leave some in a tub over night and let it get to room temp and it will match the non heated tank, :good:
Really? I'd not heard that before. My room does tend to get pretty cold though, especially at night. For the amount of difference it makes I'd prefer to leave it in there. It'd allow me to sleep easier.
didn't heat my fry tanks through the winter at all, all grew up perfectly :)
I kept mine heated. But my tanks get to 60ºF when I don't heat, sometimes colder.
He's really coming on now Cezza :)

Keep it up lil guy .. I can't wait to see what you look like when your grown up :)
Sad news. Baby Nomo has died.

Spent absolutely ages searching for him, convinced that any second he was gonna swim out and everything would be fine, but I found his body.

He got a lot further than I was expecting him to and he gave me a nice experience so I can be thankful. I actually tested my water before I realised I couldnt find him and the stats were fine.

Fingers crossed there'll be more cory eggs some time in the future.

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