Omg Cory Eggs!

Been keeping an eye on it but tbh I'm really not sure that it's going to hatch. Going to leave it as it is until the end of the weekend on the off chance that I'm wrong (it will have been 7 days by then). I was reading a blog the other night of someone breeding bronze cories and they got 12 adults out of about 100 eggs, so the way I see it I only had about a 12% chance anyway.

I did see two of my cories getting freaky together yesterday, it was quite funny to watch. They were sort of sitting side by side vibrating next to each other and one would turn on its side. Is that normal?

Not spotted any more eggs yet though. Fingers crossed!
THE EGG HATCHED! I'm so happy! tbh I really didn't think it was going to hatch but I kept the airstone and everything going on the offchance I was wrong. Good thing I did!

Gonna go out today and get something to put the little guy in and some liquifry. How often should I be looking to feed him? Anything else I should know now that it's hatched?

liquifry is horrible, it pollutes water so quickly its unreal.

Order some decapsulated brine shrimp eggs off eBay or see if you can find some Hikari First Bites.

if you do find some liquifry, use it very very sparingly.
I also have just one cory baby that I am growing in a breeder box. He/she is 4.5 weeks old now.
I feed it powedered food 3-4 times a day with everyday cleaning with a syringe and pushing the breeder box up and down to get fresh water from the tank.
Here is my original thread if you want to have a look at the box setup. There are a few videos.
Ah, okay. My nearest Pets at Home has Tetramin baby flakes, is this stuff okay? Will order some decapsulated brine shrimp eggs but they wouldn't be here til tomorrow at the earliest, and more likely early next week.

Thanks for that link Snazy, it's got some useful info in it.

When I woke up this morning, I discovered that the air pump had actually become disconnected overnight and there hadn't been any water circulation in there for God knows how many hours. I thought that meant any chance I might have had of it hatching had gone. Was very surprised to see the tiny fry in there.
tetramin baby flakes will be alright for later on, their mouths are so small at the moment as well as its stomach that the amount of food it needs is next to nothing to survive. Have you got any moss in your tank or any other plants you can uproot and pop in the net? They normally have enough food on them for small fry to eat. Mine only ever ate decapped brine shrimp eggs, its all i ever bothered feeding until crushed Tetra Prima was possible.
i'd just leave him/her in main tank, so long as you have java moss ball for it to hide in.

my pepper fry all escaped the breeder net shortly after hatching last week, and bee-lined for the java moss...all seem to be enjoying it still.

i originally put my panda fry in seperate tank thinking it will be safer, but put them back in main tank once i saw the first one going crazy (couldnt swim properly due to water pollution with food). they loved the java moss also
Liquid fry is nightmare to clean up as others mentioned. And defo use pipette to feed pre-soaked Hikari First bites or other powedered food. Putting it in with fingers/surface of water = never see end of it :)

waiting for single (other one fungussed) hasbrosus/pygmy egg to hatch sometime in next 24hrs...its 1/2size of panda egg.
I fed from day 2 with the Hikari first bites and tetramin baby with no soaking and no other food. They are both powdered food so I doubt it they are big for the cory's mouth. You just need to stick your finger under the water so it falls to the bottom. It gets dirty by the next day but not as much as you would think as most of it goes through the holes of the breeder box when I push it up and down to do the "water change" The rest is quickly and easily gathered with the syringe. I have a bit of sand at the bottom of the box and I have changed it twice so far by throwing the old out and getting some from the tank.
I got the liquifry food too but I put it just once and it made a mess so I haven't used it.
Make sure you have hiding places for it. Mine loves the moss ball and chills under it a lot. I also have a big anubias leaf on top covering most of the bright lights and other natural pieces of plants.
Good luck with it. Careful not to let it escape through holes as they are tiny
Righty ho, got a 30L box for the fry to live in for the moment, I'm acclimatising it as we speak. Got my heater and sponge filter set up and I've stolen a coconut cave covered in peacock moss and an anubias from my main tank.

I ended up with some Liquifry, but I'm going to order some of the Hikari stuff as none of my local shops sell it. From what I've read they don't really need feeding in the first 72 hours so hopefully I won't have to use the Liquifry too much.
Oh yay!!

I dunk a wet tipped toothpick in the Hikari first bites and wave it in the water above my fry so most of it sinks right away :)
As of last night he was still alive. Had a look this morning before leaving for work but couldn't see him. He's so tiny and in such a big box though it's not surprising. I generally have to get lucky and move something close to him causing him to move before I can usually spot him.

Still not trying to get my hopes up that he's going to survive to be an adult, though I'll be thrilled if he does. I wasn't expecting the egg to hatch so he's already exceeded my expectations and given me an interesting experience.

Got some Hikari First Bites on the way from eBay. Hoping they don't take too long to get here as I'm stuck with Liquifry til then.
Baby Nomo continues to live on! He's a little bigger now, he's gained maybe a mm lol.

Quick Q, probably a silly one but I'll check. When I put the moss coconut cave in it appears I've introduced several pest snails into the fry tank (I thought my pest snail population was under control but I guess they were all just hiding in the moss). This isn't a problem, is it?
Hey Cezza, I'm so pleased to be reading your little egg hatched and is doing well. I've got everything crossed for you. I can't believe how tiny the lil fella is!

Good luck :)

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