Was you about when preasly hit the scene. Probably not, or quite young. But you still no about him and his influence.
no i wasn't, nor would i want to be. Elvis was influenced by other IMO, he didn't influence anyone after his death did he? He was a teen idol
A buzz, maybe. Katy perry is very popular and has certainly created a buzz with the teens. Has she changed the face of music? No. Has it affected what people wear? No. Same with oasis.
where is this buzz, that Katie Perry is creating? To be fair you cannot really compair
As for NWA, lol all you want, but if you know anything about music then you'll know they deserve there place in the music hakk of fame! And before you ask, I'm not just saying this because I'm a fan.
NWA?? 1 okish album (straight outta compton), at least oasis made 3 decent albums.
what i'm saying is, if you're a list person and look for critical acclaim, you will always, find an oasis album in the top 10.
and by the way, i said 1 album was ahead of its time, not the band!!!