A Rant Thread About Assumptions/actions On Both Sides.

I think sometimes when something is wrong with our fish we tend to panic post and perhaps dont give as much info as we should about our tanks stats etc which then makes people think we are newbies because we havent mentioned these things. I just hope those who do answer peoples questions realise that most of us appreciate it greatly and do listen to the advice given and .. if sometimes it comes accross wrong - well so be it - those who know more than us can only assume we know very little or as somebody mentioned previously - very basic problems might be missed.

Im a relative newbie - and I cant count how many times I have come on here with a problem and there within the first 2 pages is somebody with same problem or similar one to mine - I read the answers and usually I get the info I need.

So thanks - from a newbie - to anybody who takes the trouble to help other fish keepers.

If the person asking the question doesn't provide complete information, they do so at their peril. Sorry, but I don't have much sympathy for them. Compared to other forums (not just fishy ones) I think that the people here are pretty understanding towards those who can't be bothered. Try that approach in some forums and the string of profanity and insults would make a sailor blush.

There is a pinned topic at the top of the Emergencies Forum titled "Please Read Before Posting". Those who couldn't even find that have obviously not looked very hard for their answer and have no business complaining about the answer they get.

The top of the page says "The Friendliest Fish Forum Around". I believe that it is, and hope it stays that way. I tend to be a bit sarcastic at times and have deleted many a post after rethinking it. Perhaps we should all take a look at the top of the page before posting anything that might be taken the wrong way.
I sort of agree with you but what I was trying to say is it is annoying when for example you go into the emergency section and there are 4 threads all on whitespot with the same issues- or like when you go on the livebearer section and there are 5 threads on "is my platy pregnant" or "help, guppy fry!" or something. I think its great people can share so much knowledge on fish here but some people don't appear to even look at other people’s threads or posts before they post their own issue. I know that if everybody here actually used the search engine or read the pinned articles no one would actually have anything to ask or discuss because it had already been done before, but at the same time some people really just don't seem to look at all and expect everyone else to cough up the info for them even if all you have to do is look at the thread below yours and get your answers.

Okay Tokis, I think we just got off on the wrong foot and that makes me sad, 'cause I really like you after this thread. :)

ON THIS NOTE: On the forum I moderate, we lock threads that are duplicates of others. You know, the ones you are talking about here. The, I am to lazy, or maybe even not knowledgable enough about forums, or don't even know the search button existed kinds of post...

We lock them, put a last post as in, "This topic has been discussed throughly before. Please use the search function before creating a new thread." or "There is already a thread about this topic, please find it and add your post to it." After the author creats a post in a correct thread, we delete the duplicate one he created.

It makes for a very tightly run forum. That is one of the first things I noticed about this forum while browsing, was all the duplicate topics. I would be happy to help moderate this forum if you need someone.

I agree you help then they ignore your advice, but you just have to keep going and not give up as sooner or later it will hit home with them, been there many times and it dishearting, but at the end of the day you have to let it go as not everyone appreciates your efforts, but it's not you it's them for being ignorant of the facts of the hobby.
:lol: that's a good old rant - bet you feel better now !

Tokis, sometimes you just have to let go and walk away.
You've been around long enough now to realise some people come here to learn - and others (in the minority) come here to affirm their own thoughts & ideas. When they ask for "advice" and they don't like what they hear, they will choose to ignore it.
I'm not pointing any fingers - it's a generalisation.

Such is life really....... :)

i agree with Bloozoo2

good rant post though it gets to me when people ask for advice,get given good advice and then a few days later you see the post written in a different wording but still asking the same questions :grr:
A major problem with TFF is that the vast majority of the users are full-grown adults with a steady income who can afford to do everything perfect. What about the people that cannot afford a giant filter, sump or super metal halide lighting? We have to take the cheap way sometimes, and that is looked down upon heavily on TFF. :( You guys have to realize this.

A major problem with TFF is that the vast majority of the users are full-grown adults with a steady income who can afford to do everything perfect. What about the people that cannot afford a giant filter, sump or super metal halide lighting? We have to take the cheap way sometimes, and that is looked down upon heavily on TFF. :( You guys have to realize this.

huh ? where does that come from - do you have any examples ?

There's most certainly the cheap way (absolutely nothing wrong with that - in fact it brilliant if money can be saved!) but it's very wrong to not meet basic requirements. If you can't afford to meet those - then don't keep it.

When I was in my very early teens and ever since I started fishkeeping, I bought all my bits and bobs from my pocket money. And once I was old enough to have a part time job - from that bit of extra money.
Fishkeeping doesn't have to cost and arm and a leg, but if you can't afford the bare basics (as with any pet), then stick to what you can afford - or don't keep them.

Where does anyone say you have to have top gear and the latest stuff ?
CM; If someone looks down upon this, they are missing what I find to be one of the most enjoyable aspects of this hobby. I've do have a few Eheim Canisters, most of my other gear was purchased used or built myself.

http://www.fishforums.net/index.php?showtopic=114763 shows around half of the gear in my fishroom. Gotta love those classy tops, as well as the beautiful blue homemade sponge filters. The rubberbanded fork/rock things feed plecs for a few pennies. The stands still have the decorative pencil lines on them from when I built them. There is more home rigged stuff in that room than I can remember.

$600 bucks, give or take, paid for by mostly 1 pair of silver angels, that I paid $6 for. I love being cheap, it's the only way to get a decent amount of equipment. I think I've learned more scrounging, building & rigging than going out & spending big bucks for equipment. If someone wants to look down upon that, it's their loss.

A major problem with TFF is that the vast majority of the users are full-grown adults with a steady income who can afford to do everything perfect. What about the people that cannot afford a giant filter, sump or super metal halide lighting? We have to take the cheap way sometimes, and that is looked down upon heavily on TFF. :( You guys have to realize this.


I think that's not so close to the truth. I don't think anyone here is elitist in recommending the latest expensive gear, and I think everyone uses the best equipment they can afford. I don't think anyone knocks the cheap equipment (just the bad stuff, which isn't always cheap!) and the DIY forum is an example of how people don't always spend great fortunes, especially when they can do it by themselves for less money (and more likely, more satisfaction).

I live in an interesting situation where all the tanks I have bought have cost me £200 maximum, and the average amount that I spend a month on fish sundries is probably near to the £5 mark, and thats including live plants. I understand £200 looks like a large figure, but, a saturday job and the will to save up money makes it very achievable, IMO.

I understand that the pressure is there to spend large amounts of money fast, but this is usually in situations where people haven't researched their fish, or have been given bad advice. There is almost always the option to rehome the fish before you become too attatched.
A major problem with TFF is that the vast majority of the users are full-grown adults with a steady income who can afford to do everything perfect. What about the people that cannot afford a giant filter, sump or super metal halide lighting? We have to take the cheap way sometimes, and that is looked down upon heavily on TFF. :( You guys have to realize this.

I have the exact opposite impression. The majority of members here are normal folks with limited money to spend on their hobby. Many are still in school and thus have even tighter budgets.

I've never seen someone pushed towards purchasing equipment that wasn't necessary for basic good fishkeeping practice. And more often than not, I see discussions on how to do things on a budget, not the expensive option.

Sounds like sour grapes from the jealous to me.
I will say, that when I asked what a good way to clean up an old tank on this forum, the most common response I got was, "get all new things, a bigger thank, better equipment".

Sure, I'd love to. Can I write a check? :whistles:

My tank is running quite well, despite my ineptitude. It's at least 10 years old, and I was lucky and didn't have to splurge on a tube of silicone since the seams still held.

As an inexperienced fish keeper who enjoys research, I try and cram EVERYTHING I already know in each of my posts. I find, unfortunately, that usually means I get less replies. I'm trying to tell myself that I am simply getting less repeat replies, but there were a few threads there where I was honestly clueless and really wanted some help, and got nothing. It took 2 threads in the invert forum to get someone to reply to my (Extremely Stupid) pond snail question, and I appreciate the reply I got. I appreciate all replies I get, and even try and slap a few "pleases" and "thank yous" in there.

In fact, for about a sour three days, I considered stopping with my verbosity and simply saying, "someone plz hlp my tank has white bugs." and forcing a conversation between other forum members. It seemed for a little while, that including less information in the initial post would get me greater results.

I'm over that now. Heh, but I did consider it.

I like this forum, and I like the search function. And I LOVE google.

The search button on this forum has a fatal flaw, in my book. That stupid character count limit. If I search for "10g", it refuses my search on account of low character count. If I search for "low ph", same problem. If I search for "6.5 ph", same problem. If I search for "supercalafradgilisticexpialadocious ph", same problem. X)

So, my good friend, is the Advanced Google Search, confined to the url fishforums.net Then I open up the 'cache' window in an extra tab so that my keywords are highlighted for me for easy viewing.

I actually get quite embarressed when I see a thread that's so close to mine, I might as well have not posted. But sometimes my eye misses one or two, or I wind up with a funky search string that gave me useless results.

I try. I do. Hell, even I get frustrated on behalf of experienced and knowledgable fish keepers. "If I see another post that says "blah blah blah!", I'll go crazy!" And then I wonder where on earth that came from. Empathy from afar, or something.
A major problem with TFF is that the vast majority of the users are full-grown adults with a steady income who can afford to do everything perfect. What about the people that cannot afford a giant filter, sump or super metal halide lighting? We have to take the cheap way sometimes, and that is looked down upon heavily on TFF. :( You guys have to realize this.

Actually, there have been polls about member ages before, and I seem to remember that the vast majority were under 30, with many many teenagers (myself, for example. I'm 19.) I tried to find the thread about it, but unfortunately "age" and "old" are both below the 4 character per word limit on searches, so I'm out of ideas on how to find it :rolleyes:
Maybe I'll just make a new thread...

If you were to ask, you'd find that many members do take the cheap way, and yet are able to find the perfect equipment nonetheless. You'd be surprised how cheaply you can find the perfect item second-hand sometimes.
A major problem with TFF is that the vast majority of the users are full-grown adults with a steady income who can afford to do everything perfect. What about the people that cannot afford a giant filter, sump or super metal halide lighting? We have to take the cheap way sometimes, and that is looked down upon heavily on TFF. You guys have to realize this.


No you don't have to spend the earth on things,all i care about is that you look after your fish well,but i no how you feel as it isn't a cheap hobby.
My 33 gal tank was given to me used and is at least 15 years old. My AquaClear 200 is older than that. Have a look at my sig, it's a nice tank and it cost me next to nothing. There's nothing elitist about this forum. Let's not go there.
this forum is about making your fish happy. as said before, people will dissuade the imbeciles who purposely hurt their fish.

I always got decent advice here and wouldn't be keeping so much fish if it wasn't for everyone's great help this past year :)

I sometimes do feel however that some members exagerate things by going overboard on rules and such but hey, more power to them (for example, members recommending no more than 5 guppies in a 10 gallon tank, that 6 would be pushing it...).

In the end, everyone decides what they do at home and how they treat their fish. This forum will help to guide you in the proper care of your pets.

Besides, most "bad" members usually don't last long. I can remember a few that gave controversial advice all the time and just stopped posting after a week or two.

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