Now With Test Pics!new Fish Added To My Tank Die Within 24 Hours..

Tank bred fish that have been bred and raised in your local area will already have adapted to the water conditions so you would be fine. Anything else will just need acclimatised as you have been doing, as long as the preferred conditions are not completely different to your water there shouldn't be an issue.

Now you know the chemical composition of your water intimately you can look around at LFS and ask what they are keeping the fish in and pick from those :)
video not working :( i have only skimmed this thread so dont know what speices of cory you have but can i mention that i have several of different types and they all stick together with there own type, the bronzes have a little club as do the albinos they dont seem to hang out together, maybe if your two arent the same and they are like mine, maybe think about getting another two of the same speicies
video not working :( i have only skimmed this thread so dont know what speices of cory you have but can i mention that i have several of different types and they all stick together with there own type, the bronzes have a little club as do the albinos they dont seem to hang out together, maybe if your two arent the same and they are like mine, maybe think about getting another two of the same speicies
ive read on numerous pages that i can mix species, they seem fine, please try the vid again, i have a peppered cory and a julli(i think) cory..
ive read on numerous pages that i can mix species, they seem fine, please try the vid again, i have a peppered cory and a julli(i think) cory..
oh yes you can mix speices, i have, and they co-exist perfectly, im just saying mine do tend to hang out with there own, so maybe its just there way of saying they are happier with thier own kind, its certainly more entertaining to watch them, and was suggesting that if you find your two dont interact much, then think about more of the same speices in the future :good:
:good: was planning to get more of the same but with the hassle of my tank it was safe and more sensible just to try one cory....the lfs only had peppered in stock...ill be getting another at the weekend....thanks :)
The look pretty happy to me :)
Could just be a bit of assertive behaviour, showing who's boss but they look ok.maybe one of the cory 'experts' can explain the highly unusual and uncharacteristic chasing?

Glad it seems to be working out finally :good:
Not an expert but the new one is a different type of corry. that would explain the chase off.
The video works fine for me, they are certainly 'interacting' and not ignoring each other. Surely two lone corys of different types wouldn't....perish the any signs of aggression/harassment towards one another, like chasing around the tank?
The video works fine for me, they are certainly 'interacting' and not ignoring each other. Surely two lone corys of different types wouldn't....perish the any signs of aggression/harassment towards one another, like chasing around the tank?

Hi MrsM, just reading through this thread and omg you must have been going through hell !! I thought I`d had problems! just reading it has tired me out! well done for sticking in there though. :good:
Yes, the new cory seems happy to me and the behaviour of the new one is absolutely normal. I am really pleased to see the new cory acting so normal and happy. They do chase each other all the time, but I haven't seen that happening to any other fish. So it's the way they interact with each other.
Aquascaper reckons the old cory will stress the new fish to death again I guess ;). If you want me to show you aggressive behaviour when introducing new fish, watch one of my fish on the video below. It was just after I added corys to my tank, my swordtail took a dislike to them. This lasted for weeks, not for a few seconds which is the case here.

And a video below of my corys chasing each other. Wondering why they never chased the guppies or the platies :D They used to abuse the pleco a bit getting on top of him when he eats. These corys are a colour morph of the same species so they do interact with each other and even tried to breed together. But julii and peppered corys are completely different species and a few of each kind is desirable. They will get on together, but they get on with any other type of fish as long as it's not big enough to eat them, but if you want them to be happy, it's best to up the numbers of each type.
The video works fine for me, they are certainly 'interacting' and not ignoring each other. Surely two lone corys of different types wouldn't....perish the any signs of aggression/harassment towards one another, like chasing around the tank?

Hi MrsM, just reading through this thread and omg you must have been going through hell !! I thought I`d had problems! just reading it has tired me out! well done for sticking in there though. :good:
thanks!! and i think i got the problem sorted and now ive got to get this tank stocked :) start enjoying it!! just gotta get that shoal of cories up so they can "play" with each other and not be too "inquisitive" of other fish.....
Yes, the new cory seems happy to me and the behaviour of the new one is absolutely normal. I am really pleased to see the new cory acting so normal and happy. They do chase each other all the time, but I haven't seen that happening to any other fish. So it's the way they interact with each other.
Aquascaper reckons the old cory will stress the new fish to death again I guess ;). If you want me to show you aggressive behaviour when introducing new fish, watch one of my fish on the video below. It was just after I added corys to my tank, my swordtail took a dislike to them. This lasted for weeks, not for a few seconds which is the case here.

And a video below of my corys chasing each other. Wondering why they never chased the guppies or the platies :D They used to abuse the pleco a bit getting on top of him when he eats. These corys are a colour morph of the same species so they do interact with each other and even tried to breed together. But julii and peppered corys are completely different species and a few of each kind is desirable. They will get on together, but they get on with any other type of fish as long as it's not big enough to eat them, but if you want them to be happy, it's best to up the numbers of each type.
are you saying that my original cory never "chased off" the new peppered cory? i see the aggression from the sword tail in the first vid but the second video has no relevence as your cory is following the older cory...mine chased him away from the back of the tank...thants where the original cory hangs out most of the time....
Here are mine, "chsing off" as you say all the time:
Aquascaper reckons the old cory will stress the new fish to death again I guess
Not at all but I am intrigued as to why it's chasing the new cory away from it's established territory and all over the glass when you say they never show any hint of aggressive tendencies at all, ever, to anything.
Aquascaper reckons the old cory will stress the new fish to death again I guess
Not at all but I am intrigued as to why it's chasing the new cory away from it's established territory and all over the glass when you say they never show any hint of aggressive tendencies at all, ever, to anything.

That's not aggressive behaviour. Mine do it all the time to "each other". When you move corys to a new tank, they normally feel like "breeding" and the old cory probably smells the hormones or whatever the new one produces. The OP's corys could race the glass for a couple of days now. Yesterday I moved my pygmy corys to a new tank and they did that for the whole day and although they've always lived togehter, they "chased off" each other in the new tank. Strange that they didn't even approach the red rily juvenile shrimp in there to "chase it off" too. People move corys to a temporary new tank all the time to trigger spawning behaviour.

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