Now With Test Pics!new Fish Added To My Tank Die Within 24 Hours..

Not my cup of tea either :/

Tapwater here is 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 0 nitrates and pH 7....bliss :)

We moved up here from Plymouth 6 years ago so the -21c winters are a bit if a shock!
The first picture definately looks like the surface of the water is a bit still. The second doesn't show too much more but is a bit better.
My tank is probably a bit too turbulent but I'll show you just for comparison how the moving surface looks on picture. I was taking a shot of two cute corys last night :hey: :


gosh my nitrate here is 24 according to web site and going by yesterdays test on tap water...its crappy!! :crazy:

we have family in portlethen and were thinking of moving back up that way...might just be able to keep a fish if we do eh!

thanks for the help by the way, much appriciated :)

The first picture definately looks like the surface of the water is a bit still. The second doesn't show too much more but is a bit better.
My tank is probably a bit too turbulent but I'll show you just for comparison how the moving surface looks on picture. I was taking a shot of two cute corys last night :hey: :


so suffocating the new fish was a definate possibility? what a thicko i am....and by the way, those corys are cute! :wub: :good:
ive taken a video with the ipad im just uploading it to photo there enough surface movement?..ill post it when its uploaded... :rolleyes:
These two were like that for half an hour, I'd say asleep. I just couldn't resist waking them up with the flash :devil:
Still surface water would only have been a real concern if a protein film started to occur (oily white film), agitating the surface prevents this and aids gaseous exchange.

An airstone works the same, it's not the actual bubbles that increase o2 as they travel too quickly through the water to do anything. It's the surface agitation that increases the o2 level by improving gaseous exchange.

If nothing else, increased o2 levels will make the tank healthier so worth doing.
It's hard to tell, but without the air pump they may have been gasping but it looks good enough to me now. Someone else may have a better opinion from experience.

Oh, I love the lead actor in the movie :hyper:
haha, thats rhys, did you see the shot of the snail on the rock thing and cory behind the pink and red plant?

that spongebob tank is ace!! :) love it...
I can't see the snail :blush:
The cory looks lonely :nod:
you must be an old fart not to like spongebob haha :hey: and yes i think cory is lonely but he is definately enjoying the bubbles!! do i get the same cory or can i get a different type/species?
I don't mind spongebob.....just not in fishtanks :)

I've never kept corys but, as they are a shoaling species, I would say probably best to get the same type.
you must be an old fart not to like spongebob haha :hey: and yes i think cory is lonely but he is definately enjoying the bubbles!! do i get the same cory or can i get a different type/species?

Get all the same species, they won't get along with other types or not so well. He/she will be a lot more active with more of his own kind and they usually go bonkers when moved to a new tank racing the glass like lunatics. He just doesn't have anyone to do it with :rolleyes:

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