Hi all
Thanks for all your great comments guys, I am pretty much in the same boat as you fishy-friend, as in cash being a problem, i am not totally on hold yet but i have had to slow down a bit lately.
Kj and Jenny your posts and encouragment is, as always, a great boost for my morale

the coraline is spreading nicely now its even starting to cover the powerheads, i am well happy with it, its visitors to my house that notice it more than me, especially if they have not seen the tank for a week or two.
Thanks Ski, you are spot on there mate, it is pretty amazing and it has shocked me how hands off this can be, i thought a salt water set-up would be almost constant maintanance but it is in fact, far less time consuming than my old freshwater planted tank, i do always feel like i should be doing something to the tank, but i try to stop myself, i am a great believer in, if its not broke, don't try to fix it. I do however plan a small water change this weekend
The finger coral frags are doing great, i have two now and they are growing at a unbelieveable rate.