Colorado - 140Ltr Opti-White

Lovely to see this still going. I like the idea of keeping it going as a permanent low-maintenance aquascape, great if you an keep the balance so everything stays healthy.
I tend to be a little different to most aquascapers.  I am always aiming to have something much more permanent.  My scapes are more like part of my decor.  So like I may change the colour scheme / decor of a room every 3 or 4 years thats what I aim for with my scapes.
It might be also me not wanting to take down something if it looks good.  Maybe scared the next won't work out.
Just over 2 weeks since the last trim and look what we have to deal with again. These shots show before and during trimming shots of tank. The complete trim is a daytime shot I'm afraid.
It is now 8 months since the first plants went into this aquascape.
Things may go it bit off for the next week as my solenoid stopped working so I've disconnected the CO2 until a new one arrives.






Absolutely amazing. The wood pieces bring the whole scape together. 
Been really lazy and unmotivated again plus busy completing loads of other projects I had ignored so the here is an update which was originally September last year.  Will update again soon with current pictures.
28th September 2015
Not a huge amount has changed in the last 3 months. A lot of trimming, A lot of maintenance. One change is that I have given up on the Rotala. After the CO2 running out and me not replacing it straight away and then my clumsiness causing the light to have a few problems it wasn't growing in and bushing up so I replaced it both sides with Heteranthera Zosterifolia which is an absolute weed in my non CO2 tanks.
I am hoping that once it pokes its way past the masses of Narrow Fern it will fill out nicely.



Beautiful tank as usual, really wish I have the time and vision as you have for these wonderful planted tanks.
A real inspiration
Just read through this whole Journal and your tank is absolutely stunning!
I can only dream of achieving something like this!
Cannot wait for the next update!
I shall update this journal (and others) in the next couple of weeks.  I'll see what backdated photos I have of its "progress" over the past 6 months.
Yes it is still running. lol.  Just over 19 months now since it was first flooded on 19th December 2014.
Just as a precursor before I sort photos out I got carried away restoring a vintage 70s turntable and solid state stereo receiver. lol.  Me and projects.  Been on a bit of a vinyl nostalgia trip.
Since the last update..........I got so annoyed with the Hydrocotyle that I ripped it all out.  It was infesting everywhere in the tank so I am working now with gaps in the transition from carpet to background.  Nothing grows underneath the ferns/Anubias and the Hydrocotyle was filling that view out.  So at the moment you can see through the front space of the wood to the plain Akadama.  I am still planning to enter this into competition next May if I can get it right.
Sooo... I will add Hydrocotyle back into these transition areas once the rest is right and let it grow a month at which point it should finally be ready for competition entry.  Then I'll decide what to do next with it :)
The Heteranthera Zosterifloia still isn't giving me what I want in the back.  It doesn't provide a bushy enough appearance for me and going back through the photos and seeing how the Hemianthus Micranthemoides when it was getting tall I might just use this all the way along the back.  Have to make sure I don't run out of CO2 with this plant though or it just disintegrates.
I've also added in some Boraras Briggitae so I have a full school of fish in there at the moment with 5 Otos also busy and [insert guess to the nearest thousand] Blue Jelly shrimps.
I moved the tank and dog around so now the Tank is on the side wall and the Dog where the tank and cabinet were.  He gets less disturbed and I can get to the cabinet and tank whenever I want.
The light is still working although I have tinkered with the design of it.  I used some clear holders instead and instead of the acrylic holding the LED holders in position I widened the holes in the acrylic and the LED holders now just rest on the top instead.  Easier to clean the acrylic now.  Gets really dusty on the top there.
.........and on to my first of 2 backdated updates.  I will do an "up to date" update at some point this month but I haven't taken any photos yet.  Been heavily pruning and it looks a bit bare at the moment.
This update is from where I was at on 2nd April 2016:
I lost patience with the weed that is Hydrocotyle Tripartita. It is a rampant plant that just takes over all areas of the tank so..........I ripped it out.
So you can see quite a bare area in the transition between the foreground and the attached plants.
The Hemianthus micranthemoides had to come out as well because the Tripartita had strangled it.
At this point I am still thinking about what to do with this section of the scape but other than this everything is running along nicely.



And this update is 7th May 2016:
I still haven't decided what to do with the transition areas that are bare but I have now moved the whole tank and cabinet to the side of the room rather than in the alcove.
The dog is now in the alcove and has a little bit more of his own area now without me constantly invading it by moving his bed out.
These are the first pictures of the LED luminaire in it's slightly altered format.
The black lense holders are now gone and have been replaced with clear holder/lense all in ones. I have also routed the holes for the lense holders wider so that each lense pokes through the holes freely rather than the lense holders (friction) fixed in the holes.



Absolutely astonishing, how a few sticks and twigs, some zip ties and string, and some rocks... can make a spellbinding work of art like this! This is such a beautiful aquascape, I adore the way its thick but not to thick, and its not covering the back. Very well made!
Wow, if i could keeps a planted tank half ad good as that, id be w3ll chuffed.
Mine are brown algae dead planted messes. Lol
Plus all my shrimp attempts end up in death
Superb tank, wish mine looked that good... Making me want to start again

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Only just seen this thread and my my my it was worth the read! Great job!!! Your tank is major goals right there!

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