newest fish

Please take a look at photos took up 2 now ov my arowana (only had him 2 weeks) I am trying to get a photo ov him eating but as yet aint managed it because by the time I drop a super worm in and then grab camera he has already ate it ! lol I'll keep trying :hey: CLICK HERE?
Well I dont seem to have any replies on here Hmmm has anyone click the link on my post to view my piccies????????? Well tonight i kinda managed to get a photo ov my arowana eating a locust *yuck* or *yummy* in his case lol pic aint that good but until i get a better one i m gonna put it on anyway...its so so hard gettin him to pose 4 me :byebye:


  • feeding_arowana.jpg
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Here are some ov the latest pics ov our Pearl Arowana he has changed so much we've have had him about 1 1/2 to 2 months now its unreal how quick he is growing (and eating) :kana:


Yip sure do ! thats where our Aro came from and his new 6ft tank and cabinet is there waiting for us to get it. We go there about 2-3 times a week ! u been ???
gf225 said:
Awesome fish - little else to say.

Do you know Wharf Aquatics in Notts?
:p Ha ha ha nah i am very fussy on what food i give him only the best will do *ouch* to betta fans lol geez dont want anything sticking in his throat now do i Paul hahahahahahahahahahaha bet i get plenty ov replys now through my comments ! :S
Paul_MTS said:
looking much better now, leaving up to the arowana image.

soon he can be eating bettas aswell.
It sure is, we get all our live food from there as well as all our fish and more fish as soon as the 6ft is here and up and running :D
gf225 said:
maryjason said:
u been ???
Yes. Great shop. Richard Hardwick is a legend in oddballs!
Yeah, undoubtedly wharf aquatics out of the dozens of fish stores I've been to, is the best by miles.

The Aro is still ace Mary :D
You know it ! i mean bout my Aro being ace :p he is "THE FELLA" not u lmao (j/k) :* we are very fortunate to live close to Wharf :kana:
Fella said:
Yeah, undoubtedly wharf aquatics out of the dozens of fish stores I've been to, is the best by miles.

The Aro is still ace Mary :D
maryjason said:
You know it ! i mean bout my Aro being ace :p he is "THE FELLA" not u lmao (j/k) :* we are very fortunate to live close to Wharf :kana:
Fella said:
Yeah, undoubtedly wharf aquatics out of the dozens of fish stores I've been to, is the best by miles.

The Aro is still ace Mary :D

If he were mine I'd call him fella. Mainly because he'd be in charge and I'd have to run my life around him :(
Believe me we do run our lives around him....2 waters changes a week and constant sto Wharf to fulfil his need ov live food. Our house is sounding like a safari or a creepy horror scene with all the crickets tanks and the noise they all make its sending me cuckoo :blink: Glad the locusts and superworms dont make a noise or i think i'd have to move out hahaha :hey:
Fella said:
maryjason said:
You know it ! i mean bout my Aro being ace  :p he is "THE FELLA" not u lmao (j/k) :* we are very fortunate to live close to Wharf  :kana:
Fella said:
Yeah, undoubtedly wharf aquatics out of the dozens of fish stores I've been to, is the best by miles.

The Aro is still ace Mary :D

If he were mine I'd call him fella. Mainly because he'd be in charge and I'd have to run my life around him :(
Quite the sloped back its got.

Try to get it to accept shrimp and squid and pellets, then youwon't have to deal with the mealworms and crickets so much (except for treats)
His back aint that sloped, on the pic he is in mid swim and is getting the well known spoon head. Take a closer look at the other 2 pics to compaire, he is defo a fine specimin think i ll get camera out take some different shots ov him.....i have tried him on frozen and pellets and he just eats the live food which we are finding easier to handle now (thank god) but will keep tryin to persude him to nibble on some other kinds ov food... Mary :*
astroboy said:
Quite the sloped back its got.

Try to get it to accept shrimp and squid and pellets, then youwon't have to deal with the mealworms and crickets so much (except for treats)

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