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CFC said:
Heres some recent pictures of my 20" pearl arowana, they are also known as jardini arowana's in the US and gulf saratoga in Australia to avoid any confusion.

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Wow CFC can't wait till mine grows...the colours on urs are stunning the minute i can notice a hint ov blue on my Arowanas tail and some coppering too starting ! I have a question for ya ! Is it just my imagination because already i think markings on his tail are becomin more promenant ....also how old is yours ??? Mary

Can't believe mine is gonna look like that whooooohoooooooo i ve seen a few pics ov adult ones but they aint captured the colour like you have thanx for sharing ya piccys
Mine is what is known as a super red jardini, which basicly means every scale is lined with a red outline, not all jardinis's have this. Ive had mine for about 3 years and it was already 9" when we bought it (it was a 25th birthday present) but the real colours didnt develope for about 18 months.
CFC said:
Mine is what is known as a super red jardini, which basicly means every scale is lined with a red outline, not all jardinis's have this.  Ive had mine for about 3 years and it was already 9" when we bought it (it was a 25th birthday present) but the  real colours didnt develope for about 18 months.
Well i think mines definately gonna have blue where urs is red...the tail colour is a lovely hint ov blue when the light hits it as its swimin about hopefully you ll be able to make it out on this pic i ve posted...let me know :kana:


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Its difficult to say as they change so much as they grow, some develop a deep gold colour with the red edging and red in the fins while others stay a silver colour with blue edging and blue fins.

Heres a pic of mine when it was around the same size as yours


then the same fish a year later at 14"


another year on and approaching 18"


and now


so as you can see the colours change a lot as they get bigger so you will just have to wait and see, still a nice fish though.
CFC said:
Its difficult to say as they change so much as they grow, some develop a deep gold colour with the red edging and red in the fins while others stay a silver colour with blue edging and blue fins.

Heres a pic of mine when it was around the same size as yours


then the same fish a year later at 14"


another year on and approaching 18"


and now

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so as you can see the colours change a lot as they get bigger so you will just have to wait and see, still a nice fish though.
Wow CFc cant believe how much ur Aro changed from first pic to second.Its a beautiful fish. Fed mine super worm tonight 4 first time omg just looking at the worms *barff* lol think i better get used to this cos live crickets next geezzzzzz but i m sure my Arowana appreciates it *YUCK*...i am gonna try and get a photo tomorrow ov it eating one and post it how i never threw up 2day i ll neva know lol

My fella came in tonight and said wharf aquatics where we got Arowana from have sting ray in £150 (cheap?) very temping I better get researching again !
I've seen a UK forum where all they do is argue about the size of tanks for rays!

Their weird shape make me think they'll need something very big though....

Plus, I'll have to come round and see it haha ;)
Fella said:
I've seen a UK forum where all they do is argue about the size of tanks for rays!

Their weird shape make me think they'll need something very big though....

Plus, I'll have to come round and see it haha ;)
Lol.....i'd make sure i've done my homework bout them before i'd even consider it ! who would have thought my fella wasnt keen when i first got my first he is worse than i am hahaha
Do you have other fish in with these big guys.........or do they have the tank pretty much to themselves?

(....nice pics by the way.......nice fish!.....)
Mine is kept with other fish, large catfish, large Cichlids and large oddballs. However its not always plain sailing as with jardini's being the most aggressive of all arowana species i often come home from work to find it has gone on a rampage and beaten several of its tankmates up leaving them with scratches and torn fins. Some jardini's get so aggressive that they cannot be housed with any tankmates and their aggressiveness definately increases with age, if a seperate large tank for the arowana and a few hardy nocturnal fish was a option right now thats where i would put it.
Adistar said:
wow i feel like i kno ALOT more about arrowana now :p

thanks CFC :lol:
Hi Adistar...mines in tank on its own as yet but my fella fancies a sting ray but i know nothing about rays yet and until i ve researched its a no no and i kinda got a feeling a 6ft tank mite not b big enuff , maybe theres different sizes etc (shush but i m planin on asking CFC 4 a bit ov advice in the next few days but he dont know it yet lol)
Ava_Banana said:
Do you have other fish in with these big guys.........or do they have the tank pretty much to themselves?

(....nice pics by the way.......nice fish!.....)
Hi Ava Banana...mines in tank on its own as yet but my fella fancies a sting ray but i know nothing about rays yet and until i ve researched its a no no and i kinda got a feeling a 6ft tank mite not b big enuff , maybe theres different sizes etc (shush but i m planin on asking CFC 4 a bit ov advice in the next few days but he dont know it yet lol)...i loved CFC's pics 2 !
Andyplec said:
I want an arowana in our 8ft tank, but it would end up eating all our smaller fish like the tigebarbs :(
Hi andy...easy solution 4 that ...get a 4ft tank for ya weeny fish and then get an Arowana ! c simple as that lol :p

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