Fish Crazy
Firstly I am mad and sad ! Jay went to wharf took 2 photos off his mobile phone for me ov our perruno...he has been moved because something has taken to chomping on him
Well actually seems he has probably been fighting with tanks mates. He was in a tank with a Redtail catfish, Giraffe catfish a 2 1/2 foot silver Arowana and 2 giant gourami's approx 1ft long. He has lost a chunk from his dorsal fin (hopefully it will grow back quick)
Well it should only be about 2-3 weeks now before we can bring him home but I thought I'd post the 2 pics Jay took for me till we get him here and in his new tank then take proper photos to post ! I think he is beautiful ..sorry for the quality ov the pics plz bare in mind they were taken in a dark aquatics and from a mobile phone.
I can't wait till we go and pick him up and bring him home whooooooo hoooooooo
Oh just want to add if you havent read threw the last postings that this is a REAL perunno