another one for you:
A shop I used to work in a few years ago had some really odd areas in it - you'd go into a corner of the shop and feel really uncomfortable. I'd go into the basement (where the stock was kept) and come back up to the shop begging not to be made to go back down there .. it just felt really uncomfortable ...
One day we got a delivery of duvets - all rolled up in there bags. The manageress asked who was going to go down there with the delivery sheet, check the order and pack them on the shelves ... I made myself busy with a customer! Off she went to do it herself. She came back up a few minutes later as she'd forgotten to take a pen. I handed her a pen and off she went. She came back a few minutes later as white as the driven snow and jibbering. We went to look at what the problem was ... all the duvets were stacked one on top of the other floor to ceiling (and I'm talking about about 20 duvets) and baring in mind the ceiling was about 7ft and the manageress a small woman of about 5ft 3in ....
Aparrently she left them scattered across the floor when she came for the pen and went back downstairs to find them stacked up. Helpful ghost lol
Another day the assistant manager was in a real bad mood and was snapping at me and the other staff. We were getting pretty fed up of her but had to keep quiet for fear of losing our jobs. She decided to go storming off at one point to the back of the shop ... suddenly one of the boards from the display shot across the room and hit her on the head ... again ... helpful ghost