Hi everyone! My name is Cassi, I am a stay at home mom and I am fairly new to this hobby, having only started this a few months ago. I did do LOTS of research before diving into this hobby and I’m still learning which I love! I have a current set up of a 29 gallon Topfin tank. HOB filter and adjustable heater. with one Halfmoon male Betta. My daughter named him Dory. (Original I know
) I have two nerite snails named Gary and Marty. I have two ghost shrimp named roselia and pikachu. Lastly I have 5 peppered cory catfish named, Khan, whiskers, pebble, Grogu, and Tom? Lol again my 4 year old daughter named everyone. The tank is heavily planted with various plants, we have some drift wood pieces and a lava rock as well as LOTS of tunnel type decor. We are working with a mixture of two different types of sand substrate. (The first type of sand came from Dory’s original tank that we had with just him) I wanted to try and maintain as much beneficial bacteria as possible so when we got the larger tank I added it to the new sand we had. I am currently trying to get my filtering as low maintenance as possible, obviously we started out with the HOB filter that came with the tank and I just want to move away from the disposal cartridges as quickly as possible. So I have added a sponge to the inner filter as well as ceramic bio rings and some filter floss pads. Once I’ve had those in for a few weeks longer I will remove the disposable cartridge. (What a waste of money, and so horrible for the tank cycle) I also added a sponge to the intake of the filter as to add as much beneficial bacteria to my tank as possible. We recently added a very gentle airstone to the opposite side of the tank from the filter. I am using a battery operated air pump so that when/if we lose power, it can continue working. I am hoping to add some more life to my tank soon, I just want to make sure everyone is super settled in their home. (I added the shrimp, a couple weeks ago). My male betta seems to be absolutely THRIVING when we got him he was fairly pale and honestly sad looking. Now he’s super vibrant and full of life, he just absolutely loves interacting with us and I honestly think that he believes he is also a Cory. His behavior with them is hilarious to watch. When it’s feeding time he just races to the bottom and waits patiently for food like my Cory’s do. He follows them around and watches them, and they do the same with him. It’s very cute. He is super mellow and sweet, I think he started acting and looking better once we added some mates to his tank. Since we have had him we’ve tried several different types of food. He completely ignores his betta pellets and doesn’t like freeze dried anything. He will nibble at frozen blood worms but he absolutely loves the frozen brine shrimp. Sometimes I catch him nibbling at the catfish pellets or algae wafers. My Cory’s gobble up frozen blood worms like crazy though. I feed them those about once a week and they love it! As for water treatment. I have been using the AFI brand aqua essential, for each water change, I also add quick start every other water change. Every time I change the water or add new buddies I always add stress coat. And I’m using the AFI master fresh water testing kit to keep on top of my water parameters. This has definitely turned into a passion for me and my family. I just absolutely love watching and caring for all my aquatic friends. If anyone has any better recommendations for food options, water treatment, or anything else. Please let me know. I am open to any and all suggestions! Thanks for allowing me to be apart of your fishy family!
(I will add pictures of my set up later when I’m able to take some photos, I just did a water change and a vacuum so things are looking a little cloudy at the moment)

(I will add pictures of my set up later when I’m able to take some photos, I just did a water change and a vacuum so things are looking a little cloudy at the moment)
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